Chapter Twenty-Five: Flash and Amelia

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Flash was looking up at me with big eyes, and so was Amelia. "If you let me finish the story you will know." I said smiling at them. "But it's just a question mama!" Said Amelia a bit excited. "That will be answered in the story." Said Sonic tapping Amelia's nose. She wrinkled her nose lightly and crossed her arms pouting cutely. "Can we skip to the end?" Asked Flash. "Fine." I sighed shaking my head.

"So Sonic, Amy and the knights went on a quest found the Dark Knight and kicked his butt!" Smirked Sonic as he punched his hand. Flash and Amelia smiled and cheered lightly, I smiled and kissed Sonic's cheek. "Now we told you a story, bed time." I said standing up of f the edge of the bed and tucking them in. I kissed Flash's head and Sonic kissed Amelia's, they both purred and snuggled into the covers. When we walked out of the room we heard them murmuring to one another about the story.

"Wouldn't it be cool if we were royalty, or the descendants of two amazing knights!!!" Squealed Amelia. "Heck yeah, I'd be the best Knight ever." Smirked Flash with his fathers cocky smile. "No I would, because I'd have mama's rapier!" Explained Amelia. "Whatever, but man it would be cool." Sighed Flash laying back. "But hey, we got the hero of möbius and his strong and loving wife." Giggled Amelia as she laid down as well.

Sonic and I looked at one another laughing lightly as we went to our room, I opened the closet and opened a secret panel behind the door. "Is it still there babe?" Asked Sonic yawning lightly. I pulled out a golden sword with the word "Excalibur" carved on its handle, I swung it lightly and put it back. "Yep it's safe and sound, safe and sound!" I repeated as to show it was safely put away.

"That's sword is more trouble than it's worth, we gotta make sure nobody ever finds out we have it." Stated Sonic hugging me from behind. I nodded showing pure maturity, "Im sure that my fathers goons are still about." Sonic smirked and rubbed under his nose. "They can try but I'm sure they won't get past me." He said giving his cocky laugh.

"Tsk yeah right, you'd trade me for a chili dog." I said walking to the bathroom so I could change. "That's not true, your worth more chili dogs." Sighed Sonic. I peeked out the bathroom giving him a "really?!?" glare. He sweat dropped heavily and dropped the subject, "But when do you think we should tell Flash and Amelia?" He asked.

"When they're ready to fight, maybe in two or three years. Four tops." I said coming out in my gown. "Maybe we should teach them fighting early." Stated Sonic as he crawled into bed, kicking off his shoes. "Good idea Sonniku, but for now. They can just enjoy being adorable kids." I grinned getting in bed next to Sonic, I snuggled his chest lightly.

He purred and nipped my ear, I blushed and laughed looking up to him. "Don't even start, were not trying to have a throws kid." I said playfully. "What. I'm not doing anything." He growled playfully as he nuzzled my neck. We fell fast asleep, purring softly as we held one another.

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