Chapter Twelve: Three more days

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"Only three more days, and then I can finally have my first ball and claim Excalibur under the name of Roselynn." I said to myself as I changed into my armor. The knights are going to go look around, just to make sure they don't see anymore signs of the Black Knight and his group. I was just hopping that he wouldn't appear, I just wanted to have a normal ball.

"Hey Aaron, we need your help over here!" Yelled Knuckles as he waved me over. I looked back at him and began to walk his way, I wonder what they needed. "Yeah what's up?" I asked with a confused tone. "Well I want to know if your up for a big task?" Asked Knuckles. "Sure, what do you have in mind?" I asked as I crossed my arms. "Right as the party begins I need you to survey the top rails of the ballroom with Sonic." Said Knuckles as he looked towards Sonic. "Uh... yeah, sure I guess." I whispered.

"What's wrong, you don't want to be stuck with Sonic the first fifteen minutes if the ball?" Laughed Knuckles as he elbowed Sonic. "Shut up Knux!" Groaned Sonic as he turned towards me. "Just get ready to go you two!" Shouted Tails as he pushed in the direction of ball area. Today we were going to figure out where to stand, and start a little set up so we don't die of boredom.

We walked to the ballroom overhead bridges, where only knights are allowed. They stand up there and look down on the party to make sure it's underway and things are running smooth, but it's only the first fifteen and last fifteen minutes of the ball. I wondered why they didn't do they whole ball, but I'm not complaining. We walked onto our bridge way and started to determine stops where we would stand and stuff we would bring. "If you give me twenty chili dogs and some water, ill survive." Smirked Sonic.

I looked up and thought deeply about what I would bring onto the bridge way. "Give me a book and some pencils and I will survive." I said as I looked over the bridge way. "Really, why those two things?" Asked Sonic as he walked over and looked down to where I was looking. "Well so I could right down what's going on and my thoughts at the moment, just so I could relive the moment." I said as I smiled.

"Amy...." He said softly. I jumped a bit thinking that he found out it was me, I quickly turned towards him. "Uhh what about her!" I said nervously. "Nothing really, I was just thinking about how you sound like a male version of Amy." He said as he walked to the other side of the bridge way. "You would be surprised." I told him as I walked off the bridge way and to where we'd planed to set Excalibur. "What do you mean?" Said Sonic as he jumped down from the bridge way. "You would be surprised at who someone truly is or how one little thing matters. That mere sword is the foundation or destruction of Roselynn, and the worst part is..... we can't chose the path it takes us down." I said as I rubbed the podium's silver edge.

"Well as knights we will try our best to lead Excalibur to the foundation if Roselynn, but there is only so much a few can do." Said Sonic as he looked at the podium. I nodded my head and smiled, we will try and save Roselynn and Excalibur with it as well.

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