Chapter 7: Another Louis

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Chapter 7:

After visitng Mum and the girls, Louis and I headed back to the flat.

"What took you so long?" Harry whined.

"Do you not have anything better to do than lay around and do nothing?" I asked.


"Did you feed the leprechaun?" Louis asked, referring to Niall.

Before Harry could reply, Niall burst into the room. "I NEED FOOD!"

Harry groaned. "Niall I fed you twenty minutes ago! You cleared out the carrots that I put into the fridge and the chocolate pudding and you drank all the chocolate milk too!"

"You. Ate. The. Carrots?" Louis and I both asked in a deadly tone. We both looked at each other rather confused.

"You like carrots?" We asked at the same time. We both nodded slowly mirroring each other.

"OMG ME TOO!" We screamed and jumped up and down.

"This is weird." We both said. We just stared at each other.

"That's damn creepy. It's like another Louis." Harry said.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU LIKE CARROTS!" Louis screamed happily.

"Aren't they the best food ever?!"


"What's your favorite band?" Louis asked me.

I thought a bit. "The Fray."

"Oh my god." Liam gasped. I hadn't even noticed he was here along with Zayn.

"Mine too." Oh. My. God.

"Uh...favorite color?"


"Me too." What the hell.



"She's def related to Louis. They both like Grease." Pippa said. She was here too. Right.

"How would you know?" I asked.

"I uh...I'm gonna go grab some food..." Pippa slowly walked out. How had she managed to not spill that she was an obsessive One Direction fan for a year. She would make a great actor.

"I'll come with you!" Niall said.

"NO! You're gonna clear out my fridge!" Zayn groaned following them both out.

"If you would go anywhere in the world, where would it be?" Louis asked, smriking. "I bet we won't have the same answer on this one."

"That would be so much less creepy. But my answer is...Narnia. I've always wanted to go there." I said.

"OH MY GOD SHE'S LIKE LOUIS'S TWIN!" Harry screamed. Liam just looked at us with wide eyes.

"I'm two years younger." I pointed out.

"Another Louis. I think we're gonna...die." Liam said.

"I'm not that bad!" Louis protested.

"I wonder what she's like when she's drunk." Harry snickered.

"Shut up..." I said. I was a really bad drunk. The first time I drank, I went nuts. I danced on tables and well...other crazy stuff.

"We should go clubbing tonight." Harry said. "I wanna see."





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