Chapter 33: Not Remembering

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Chapter 33:

*Rosie's P.O.V.*

I don't know what was scarier. Waking up and not knowing your surroundings or exactly why you were in a hospital. Or waking up and be addressed to by a total stranger.

Nurses had come rushing in and had immediately started asking me questions. I answered them the best I could.

"How old are you?"

"Eighteen." I replied.

"What month is it?"

" May?" I questioned.

The nurse frowned and scribbled something down on a piece of paper. More questions were asked and each made me want to pull my hair out. I guess it was the pounding headache I had that just made me want to just lay down and sleep.

The nurses finally left leaving me in an empty room. My body was sore although I don't know why. I don't even know why I'm in the hospital.

The boy that had been at my bedside when I had woken up was etched into my mind. I didn't know who he was, but he made it seem like I should. I have to admit, he was good looking. The curls, the emerald green eyes, and I really did had a thing for dimples.

I heard a knock on the door. Maybe Aunt Beth was here? "Come in!" I said.

It wasn't Aunt Beth. Instead, it was another boy that I didn't know. He was older than I was though. His hair was light brown and he wore red jeans with a navy striped shirt. "Uh...who are you?"

His eyes widened and he opened his mouth. No words came out. He stood there, speechless. "Do you happen to know where my aunt is?" I questioned.

"I-uh...she's not exactly here right now." He said.

"But who are you and what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I...I can't do this." He said and ran out of the room. Seconds later, a nurse came in.

"Hi honey." She smiled at me. She pulled up a chair next to my bed. She had a clipboard in her hands.


"I have some bad news." She said.

"Bad news?"

"Yes...would you like to know why you're here?" She asked.

"Well kind of." I said.


"Rosie." I corrected.

She nodded. "Rosie, you were in a car accident two months ago."

"Car accident?" I whimpered. "Why don't I remember?"

Then it struck me. It hit me hard. I had lost my memory. This is what always happened to people in those movies. Kind of like the Vow.

Holy hell was I already married? How old was I? What month is it? What year is it? Oh. My. God. The nurse saw me starting to freak out.

"Honey calm down." She said. "Just tell me the last thing you remember."

I thought hard. Extremely hard. "It was the last day of school and Aunt Beth said she had a big surprise for me..." I said.

"Okay good...that was in May?"


"You've only lost about...four and a half months..."

"It's October already?" I gasped.

"Unforunately, a lots happened in those months." She said. "Your friends that were visiting told me."

"Told you what?"

"The curly haired boy is your boyfriend." No way in hell. I haven't dated a boy in the longest time. No way. "The striped shirt one..." She paused. "Don't freak out. He's your brother."

What? I started laughing. "I don't have a brother! Please tell me you're joking."

"I'm not." She stated firmly.

"Where's my aunt? She'll tell you that I do not have a brother! He's probably a stranger that's trying to persuade you or something cause I know for a fact, I do not have any siblings."

"Your aunt isn't exactly here right now." The nurse said. She looked down at her hands.

"And where might she be?" I questioned.

"She's gone to a better place..."

"Like a vacation...Bahamas...a tour around Europe...America?"

"No honey...heaven."

HEY Y'ALL! So today is homecoming and I'm going to the football game. I GET TO SEE MY CRUSH PLAYING! TOO BAD HE PROBABLY DOESN'T LIKE ME BACK! :( Anyways, I'm excited. I got a cute dress (I'm going solo cause no one bothered to ask me) whatever. I don't care I'm excited. WHOOOO! Okay, anyways back to the book. What do you think will happen next? Please comment, vote, and fan moi! THANKS.


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