Chapter 31: Hoping For A Miracle

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In honor of 1D's new single, Live While We're Young :) This is a sad chapter though so...well not sad...just kinda depressing...but I'm updating today cause Live While We're Young it out even though that's a really happy song...

Chapter 31:

*Harry's P.O.V.*

Her body collided with the ground. Blood was splattered around her fragile body. Her eyes were closed and her blonde locks were red with blood.

I had come after Rosie after the boys told me she left. I came just in time to see the car hit her body. Her father stuffed his hands into his pockets and walked away. He seemed to just disappear like there was no trace of him.

I ran towards her. A crowd was already gathering around her body. She wasn't dead. She couldn't die. Not my Rosie. Not now. "Rosie!" I screamed. I pushed pass the growing crowd and knelt next to her body. I wished I could see those blue orbs. Those beautiful blue eyes.

"SOMEBODY HELP!" I begged. I felt tears stream down my face as I gripped her small hand in mine. "Don't leave me Rosie. Don't."

The next thing I knew, I was being pushed away. "Rosie!" I screamed.

"Sir, we need you to step back. We're helping her." A man said.


"We are helping her." He stated again. I gulped and agreed. I saw Rosie being lifted onto that bed thingy and into an ambulance.

Not my Rosie.

"I-is she alive?" I dared to ask the same man. My heart was pounding so quickly with anticipation that I thought it was just burst.

"Barely. She's a lucky one." He said, patting my back. He gave me a sympathetic look. "Would you like to ride in the ambulance with her?"

"Yes please." I whispered. I climbed into the ambulance and stared at her ghost pale face. Her face was bruised up and she looked so dead.

But the thing was that she wasn't dead.

She was hanging in there by a thread and I would do anything to keep that thread intact.

*Louis's P.O.V.*

"She was in a car accident Boobear. I'm in the hospital right now but they kicked me into the waiting room!" Harry cried. I just froze. My blood went cold. My iPhone dropped to the ground, cracking the screen. The hairs on my arms stood up.

She was alive, but barely alive.

"Lou?" Niall asked. His face was etched with confusion. His forehead was creased and for once, he wasn't holding any article of food.

"R-Rosie..." I murmured. I tried getting the words out of my mouth, but it was hard. "I gotta go to the hospital..."

"Why?" Niall asked.

"She got into an accident." I said, banging my hands on the coffee table. "She was in an accident." I cried.

Niall picked up some keys. "Are we going or not? We both know you drive too slow."

*Harry's P.O.V.*

Louis burst through the hospital doors with Niall at his heels. I had called Liam, Zayn, and Pippa. I've been waiting in this room for nearly two hours and I haven't heard from anyone yet about Rosie's condition. I was worried. I was scared. I was terrified.

"Is she okay?" Louis asked, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me back and forth.

"I don't know yet." I whispered. A tear ran down my cheek. Louis's eyes were watering too.

"I'm gonna call Mum and my sisters." Louis said, walking away. He pressed his phone to his ear.

"Did you see it happen?" Niall asked.

I only nodded. I couldn't bear to imagine what she looked like with machines keeping her alive and that moniter that kept track of her heart.

"Excuse me," A doctor said to us, "are you here for Rosemarie Elaine Tomlinson? Am I correct?"

"Yes." Louis said. "Is she alright? What's happening? I-"

"Sir, I need you to calm down. You might want to sit for this." The doctor said. Louis and I sat next to Niall and we all looked at him.


"We're here!" Liam, Zayn, and Pippa shouted bursting through the door. The doctor glared at them.

"Shh!" Louis yelled.

"She's in critical condition. She's alive but I'm afraid she's in a coma..."

Coma...There were cases that when people were in a coma and they woke up, they lose their memory. Like in the movie The Vow. "Does that mean-"

"She will lose her memory? There's a slight chance." Doctor said.

"Slight?" Louis squeaked. He grabbed my arm and squeezed tight.

"How much will she lose?" Niall asked.

"I don't know." Doctor said solemly.

I don't know what came over me, but I fell to the ground and cried. The tears wouldn't stop. Rosie could lose her memory. She was in a fucking coma! She could forget about me.

She could forget that Louis was her brother.

She had sisters.

Aunt Beth was dead.

She had a crazy stalker father after her.

That I was her boyfriend...

"Harry, she's alive. It'll be alright." Liam crouched down next to me and patted my back.

He's wrong though. It won't be alright. She could wake up and not remember our times together. She could forget everything we've been through.

I stood up and was still crying. "We don't even know when she'll wake up! If she'll remeber anything! I-I can't do this! She might wake up and not know that Lou's her brother or that her aunt is dead!"

"I can't believe this!" Pippa cried into Zayn's shoulder. "She's my best friend. This can't be happening." She sobbed.

We sat in the hospital for the rest of the night hoping that some miracle would happen and she would awake that night.

That miracle didn't happen though. She was still in a deep sleep and I wouldn't know when I would see her precious blue eyes open again.

It's kinda bad that I'm listening to LWWY and it's a happy song while I'm writing a depressing chapter. You do NOT know how much I freaked out! I was like freaking out like no one's ever seen anyone freak out! I LOVE THE SONG SO MUCH AHHHH! If you haven't seen it, you don't know what you're missing. Ya know, like SHIRTLESS 1D! Zayn doing a weird face which is off to the side ---> or Harry riding on a banana...or all of them being so effing hot. So please vote, comment, and fan me! :D Thanks!!


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