Chapter 30: Tired Of Everything

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Chapter 30:

A week. It's been a week since I've seen Dad. This time the boys made sure I stayed cooped up inside the flat. Even though I was safe, I felt cramped and I had a needing to go out. Into the outside world.

Here I was getting fat because all Niall brings home for me to eat is Nando's. Pizza if he's in the mood. Harry liked to watch romantic comedy films like Stupid, Crazy, Love and The Proposal so we watched those. He laughed the whole time and I was getting sick of them, but I sat there and watched it. Louis on the other hand loved horror movies. I ended up screaming half the time and jumping onto Harry which ended up with Louis yelling at the two of us.

Liam comes over too. He has an obsession with Toy Story. So whenever he can, he comes over and brings over all three movies and yells, "TOY STORY MARATHON!"

Zayn and Pippa come over too. Pippa tries to keep me company and we online shop together since we can't really go to the mall. Zayn just does whatever everyone else does.

I stuffed popcorn into my mouth as I watched the end of Toy Story 3 with Liam. He had his knees pulled into his chest and hugged his knees while rocking back and forth. People called him "Daddy Direction" but if they saw this, they'd think otherwise.

"NO! WOODY!" Liam cried and jumped towards the screen of the TV. "NO!"

"Haven't you watched this before? Nothing's new." I said.

Liam looked at me and shook his head. "No matter how many times I've watched this film, it will always be touching to the heart."Liam patted his chest where his heart was.



"To some people."

"Like six million people Rosie." Liam huffed and we continued watching the movie.

After the film Liam called for another marathon. I quickly rejected that idea. If I had to suffer through that again, I swear I will throw the remote out the window or at the TV. Either would do.

"That's it!" I screamed finally. I threw the empty popcorn bowl at the ground.

"What?" Louis asked, looking at me like I was a crazy woman which I probably looked like right now.

"I can't stand this Lou. I'm tired of everything. I've been in this house for a week. I've had Nando's for a week. I'm beginning to crave vegetables and that's just wrong! I'm sick of rom com, horror, and Toy Story marathons! I'm about to kick one of you where it hurts. Pippa's off the hook though. I can't take my anger out on her. It's like hurting a kid."

"HEY!" Pippa screamed.

"You know it's true."


"I can't take it anymore. I'm going out." I huffed. I tied my hair in a quick messy bun. I grabbed Harry's big purple Jack Wills sweatshirt.

Everyone was looking at me like I was gonna explode. "Someone's on their period." Niall muttered.

"I AM NOT!" I lied. Well I was, but that's really not the point.

"Harry's not gonna like-"

"FUCK IT! I'm going!" I shrieked. Yup, it was like "Rosie's gone insane"

I opened the door and slammed it shut behind me. I ran out of the complex as fast as I could. I sighed as I breathed in the London air. It felt like years since I've been out here. Years and years and years. I looked at the bustling streets and red double decker buses passing by. I decided to walk down the street and hum to a tune.

A One Direction song though.

They're actually really catchy. Before I knew that Louis was my brother, I'd think I was insane for just thinking that.

I sang in my head.

Give you this give you that, blow a kiss take it back if I look inside your brain!

Get out get out get out of my head!

I'm a thief! I'm a thief! You can call me a thief!

If I'm louder, would you see meee!

If we could only have this life for one more day, if we could only turn back time!

"So look who's finally out of that flat." I hear a voice say from behind me. Shocked, I fell to the ground and scraped my bare knees on the sidewalk. I turned around to meet a pair of blue orbs looking down on me. Those evil evil blue eyes. I tried scooching back from him. Panicked thoughts ran through my head. I could still see evidence that Harry had fought him. He deserved every damn part of it though.

"J-just go away!" I cried. People around me were giving my funny looks but I didn't care. I got up and started backing up. "Leave me alone!"

"But I'm your father Rosie Posie." He smirked. "You're my daughter." Only Harry could call me Rosie Posie and make it sound okay. From Dad's mouth, it sounded like venom. A sweet name turn into venom.

"D-don't call me that." I said. I walked back farther as he approached. His smile getting wider and wider as I took each step back.

"I have you in the perfect position." Dad smirked.


"WATCH OUT!" I heard a woman shriek. I turned my head slightly to see a car come straight towards me.

I screamed and tried to move, but my feet were firmly planted to the ground. The next thing I knew, I felt pain all over my body and everything went black.


Doesn't it suck when my author's notes take up half the chapter? Yeah sorry bout that. Anyways, I had this idea like in the shower. It's where I come up with my most brilliant ideas. I felt really bad and really evil...So most of y'all (YES I AM FROM THE SOUTHERN U.S. JUST TO BE CLEAR! I USE SLANG) have fanned me because of this book. Have any of y'all (see there again) read any of my other books? I just wished y'all (again) would give my other books attention like this. I have just started a new book, it's Niall fan fiction called We Meet Again. Check it out if you can.


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