Chapter 40: Remember Narnia?

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Chapter 40:

Harry groaned. "Niall I fed you twenty minutes ago! You cleared out the carrots that I put into the fridge and the chocolate pudding and you drank all the chocolate milk too!"

"You. Ate. The. Carrots?" Louis and I both asked in a deadly tone. We both looked at each other rather confused.

"You like carrots?" We asked at the same time. We both nodded slowly mirroring each other.

"OMG ME TOO!" We screamed and jumped up and down.

"This is weird." We both said. We just stared at each other.

"That's damn creepy. It's like another Louis." Harry said.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU LIKE CARROTS!" Louis screamed happily.

"Aren't they the best food ever?!"


"What's your favorite band?" Louis asked me.

I thought a bit. "The Fray."

"Oh my god." Liam gasped. I hadn't even noticed he was here along with Zayn.

"Mine too." Oh. My. God.

"Uh...favorite color?"


"Me too." What the hell.



"She's def related to Louis. They both like Grease." Pippa said. She was here too. Right.

"How would you know?" I asked.

"I uh...I'm gonna go grab some food..." Pippa slowly walked out. How had she managed to not spill that she was an obsessive One Direction fan for a year. She would make a great actor.

"I'll come with you!" Niall said.

"NO! You're gonna clear out my fridge!" Zayn groaned following them both out.

"If you would go anywhere in the world, where would it be?" Louis asked, smriking. "I bet we won't have the same answer on this one."

"That would be so much less creepy. But my answer is...Narnia. I've always wanted to go there." I said.

"OH MY GOD SHE'S LIKE LOUIS'S TWIN!" Harry screamed. Liam just looked at us with wide eyes.

"I'm two years younger." I pointed out.

"Another Louis. I think we're gonna...die." Liam said.

"I'm not that bad!" Louis protested.

"I wonder what she's like when she's drunk." Harry snickered.

I sat up straight. Sweat dripped down my forehead. I looked at my surroundings and remembered where I was.

Alone. On my own.

The dim moonlight peered through my window, casting dark shadows across my bedroom. I rolled over to glance at my alarm clock. It was only three in the morning.

Was my dream a dream...or was it a memory? What had happened was true in a manner. I did like carrots. I adored The Fray. My favorite color is red. I do really enjoy watching Grease. And the thing is...if I could, I would go to Narnia. It was a possibility it happened.

I hadn't had a memory in forever...

There was only one way to prove it.

I couldn't call Pippa for the whole conversation. Louis and Harry were out of the question. Zayn...I didn't trust him to keep a secret...I actually didn't trust any of the guys to much at the moment, but I knew Liam was trustworthy and would tell the truth.

I grabbed my phone off my nightstand and scrolled through my contacts before calling Liam. After five rings, he picked up. "Hello?" He asked in a groggy voice.

"Hey." I said.

"Rosie?" He sounded less asleep and more awake. His reaction was a lot calmer than Niall's.

"Yeah...I have a question."

"Sure, anything." Liam said. "What's up?"

"I had a dream...and I'm not sure if it was a dream or really a memory...You were in it so I thought-"

"That's great!" Liam said and I could almost sense the grin he had on the other line. "What was it?"

"Do you remember a day that Louis and I were talking...then we were really alike...Does Louis by any chance love the color red, The Fray, carrots, and the movie Grease?"

"Uh...yeah. He does like those things." Liam said. "Oh god..."

"What?" I asked.

"Rosie, was there something in the dream that mentioned Narnia or something." Liam questioned.

"Uh yeah! Where I would want to visit if I could go anywhere!" I said.

"Rosie, you've got another memory!" Liam said.

"Are you lying?" I then asked.

"I swear Rosie...Would there by any chance you would want to tell me where you are?" Liam tried.

"Nope! But good try." I chuckled. "Good night Liam and sorry for waking you up at such an early hour."

"No problem...but-"

"It would be nice if you could come home. Louis and Harry are really depressed." I sighed.


"I don't know yet." I told him. "Maybe sooner or later you'll see me again. I just don't know anything anymore. Good night." I hung up before I could hear what he would say next.

I had another memory.

I smiled to myself and collapsed backwards back onto my bed. I stared at the ceiling and thought about the memory.

The smile still lingered on my lips as I drifted off into a deep slumber.

*Unknown's P.O.V.*

God dammit! She was still alive.

I thought I had already finished her off with that damn car. It was so lucky and well, she was in a coma for two months. How was I supposed to know she had woken up? She didn't even remember anything.

I pounded my fist onto the table. People's faces turned to look at me, but I ignored them and took a sip out of my coffee cup.

What would it take to kill her off? I might as well do it with my own hands. She had no boyfriend or brother to protect her here. All she had was that airhead waitress that worked at the coffee shop here. Alice I think.

"Are you done with that sir?" A girl asked. I looked up to see the same girl that I was just thinking about. Alice.

"No god dammit. Go away." I snapped.

"I-I'm sorry." She stuttered.

I smirked to myself and finished my coffee.

I might as well brainstorm ways to kill her now.

OMG LITTLE THINGS IS THE FRICKIN BEST SONG EVER! I LOVE IT SO SO SO MUCH! I LISTEN TO IT NONSTOP! ERMEGAWD WHEN THE WHOLE ALBUM COMES OUT I AM GONNA FREAK OUT LIKE NEVER BEFORE! MWHAHAHAHA! HEHE I'M EXCITED! So look who's back in this chapter ;) Please vote, comment, and fan moi! Ha, tomorrow is Halloween and I'm gonna be the brilLIAM Liam Payne.

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