Chapter 15: Cutting

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Chapter 15:

I scanned myself in the mirror. I had a black dress with spaghetti straps on and wore a pair of black stilettos with it. My blonde hair was pinned up into a neat bun and my makeup was done light, the way Aunt Beth likes it.

"Ready?" Louis called.

"Yeah." I replied. Today was the day of Aunt Beth's funeral. I was thinking about not going at all, but I wanted to say one last goodbye to Aunt Beth. I walked into the main room of the hotel suite and the boys and Pippa were already dressed. The boys were in suits while Pippa wore a black short sleeved dress and black flats.

"It'll be okay." Harry whispered in my ear. I just shrugged. Since Aunt Beth passed, I gave one worded answers and a few shrugs. There was nothing really to talk about.

The car ride to the funeral was pure silence.

Not a cough.

A whisper.

A sniffle.


Louis parked the car and I walked out, my heels clicking against the floor. There were already people inside including Mum and my sisters. I haven't spoken a word to her since the hospital and I wasn't planning to either.

"Rosie!" Mum called. I walked in the opposite direction of her voice. "Rosie!" She called again.

I sighed and stopped. "What?" I snapped.

"Rosie I-"


The only time I talked was during the eulogy I gave. I didn't cry though. My voice was full of emotion but my face was expressionless.

Mum gave a eulogy too but I didn't listen. I sat in silence in my own little world.

I didn't even speak when they lowered her body under the groud. I didn't speak on the car ride back home to the hotel.

But what I did was shut myself into the bedroom, locked the door, went into the bathroom, and locked it. I slid down onto the floor and cried. Aunt Beth was gone. She was gone forever. She wasn't coming back. She would never give me anymore advice on boys, never keep me away from trouble, never kiss my goodnight. She was gone.

I got up slowly and rummaged through the drawers. Louis had brought my cosmetics for me. Which basically meant he stuffed everything inside my bathroom into a bag.

I finally found what I wanted. Needed.

My razor.

I had never done this before. I was scared to death but I just wanted the pain to go away.

Ten minutes later, after debating, I had a silver of blood running down my arm. That one lead to four more. Five was Aunt Beth's favorite number.

"ROSIE!" I heard through the bathroom door and the bedroom door. "ROSIE! Are you okay?"

"Fine." I mumbled knowing that the person outside the door wouldn't hear me.

"ROSIE!" The bedroom door burst open. These door were flimsy but the bathroom door was locked at least.

"Rosie? Are you in there?" I think it was Harry. I looked down at my wrist. I cut pretty deep. I knew it was gonna leave scars but I really didn't care.

"Yeah. I'm in here." I mumbled.

"Open the door." Harry demanded.

"No." I said.



"If you don't open this door in five seconds, I'm coming in." Harry said.


After five seconds the door burst open. These doors and locks sucked.

"Go away." I muttered, closing my eyes and leaning my head against the cabinets.

"Rosie? What are you doing?"

I held the razor up. "Taking the pain away." I didn't open my eyes.

"Rosie! What the hell? No! What are you thinking?" I felt the razor being snatched out of my hand and thrown somewhere.

"Just leave me alone."

"Rosie." Harry groaned.


I felt myself be lifted and sat onto the counter. "Rosie, what the hell?"

I opened my eyes and looked into his emerald green ones. "I. Don't. Care."

Harry sighed. "I'm gonna clean you up. Okay?" I slowly nodded.

He reached into one of the drawers and pulled our a first aid kit. He then dabbed the cuts with some chemical but all I know about it was that it burned. I hissed.

"Shh. Just hang on for a bit. It'll be okay later." Harry whispered. I nodded. Why did I even cut myself? This wasn't who I am. Aunt Beth would be so disappointed in me now.

"You cut yourself so deep..." Harry murmured. He put something on the five lines of cuts and then bandaged my arm.

"Thanks." I mumbled, looking down on the white bandage covering my arm. I could faintly see some blood but it was better.

"Rosie, why?"

"I don't know." I said. "I don't know!" This one came out as a cry and tears streamed down my face. "It-I just-I DON'T KNOW!"

Harry lifted himself onto the counter next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and rocked a bit. "Rosie, it's okay. Shh. Just promise you won't do it again." Harry said.

"I promise."

He took my small hand into his large one and held it. We stared into each others eyes for a while. Then what came next was unexpected. Harry cupped my face with his hands and kissed me. Before, I thought he despised the idea that we had to fake date. I thought he wanted to be the player he is and jump from girl to girl. Not be in a dedicated relationship

"I love you." He said into the kiss.

I'm bored. I'm tired. And it's raining while I'm on vacation. I'm with like 15 family members and it's driving me insane. The rain is making me depressed so it inspired this chapter. I don't really cut myself so...but...I dunno okay! I write everything on the spot., comment, and fan me!


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