Chapter 17: Come Back

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THIS IS THE REAL NOTE!! LOL. BTW, what happened? Last night, this was #436 on teen fiction, now it's like #810! Wattpad, whhhyyyy?! Uh dedication to @SheepsAreCool for being my 200th fan!

Chapter 17:

Dear Everyone,

I need some time...Goodbye everyone...goodbye Rosie...


It was short, but I already knew it was my fault. It was my fault because I didn't say it back.

"Where could he have gone?" Pippa asked, holding the note. "And why?"


My fault.

Oh Harry.

"I don't know. Louis said he was talking to him then he went to the bathroom then when he came out, all was left was this note." Zayn said.

"Have you tried calling him?!" I asked.


"Lemme try again." I said, taking my phone out. Harry was the fourth person on speed dial. First was Aunt Beth...then Mum, then Louis, then Harry.

Pippa and Zayn looked at me waiting... It rang and rang and- "Hi this is Harry!"

"YEEESS! Harry I-"

"Please leave a message at the beep. BEEP. Just kidding, that wasn't the beep...Wait for it..."

Then it beeped.

"Harry! I hate your voicemail Harry! Please come back! Where are you?!" I said.

"Did you fall for his voicemail?" Zayn asked.


"We all do."

*Harry's P.O.V.*

I just needed to get away. I couldn't bear to see Rosie's face again. This was the first person I've ever truly fallen for and it was scaring me. She didn't even love me back.

I've gotten calls from all the boys and Pippa. Not even one from Rosie yet.

Then my phone rang again.


I was about to hit the answer button...but I didn't. I just let it ring.

She left a voicemail though so I decided to check it.

"Harry!" Her voice said. "I hate-" I ended it because I knew what she was about to say. She hated me.

Honestly, I had no clue where I was going. I was just roaming the streets of London under a black hoodie and my ray bans sunglasses.

No one would notice me.

No one should notice me.

I kept walking until it was dark. My feet aches like crazy. I must've walked for nearly twelve hours. I don't even know how that's possible. I did stop for some water and food and sat down once or twice...and I actually brought money and my phone unlike Rosie. That's when I stopped at a club and went in, not even thinking about the consequences.

*Rosie's P.O.V.*



Harry, where have you gone.

I love him.

With all my heart.

I called him again and it went to voicemail. "H-Harry." I took a deep breath. "Harry, please come back. I-I can't live without you. I-I love you so much. J-just please come home."

"If he doesn't come back tonight, I'm gonna file missing person." Liam said.

"I just want him to answer one text. I just wanna know he's okay." I said, running my hand though my messy hair.

"Maybe he went on a twelve hour the grocery store for my birthday!" Niall said.

"Your birthday isn't for or eight months." Pippa said.

"And how do you know this Pip?"

"Uh...I'm gonna text Harry."


*Harry's P.O.V.*

Another voicemail from Rosie, but I ignored it. I immediately deleted it. There was even a text from Pippa telling me to please come back.

There was one from Liam saying that he'd call the police if I didn't contact him so I shot back a quick text saying I was fine.

I put my phone away and took a long swig of beer.

"Hey sexy." A girl my age said, sliding into the seat next to me. She twirled a piece of hair around her finger. Blonde hair.

Rosie had blonde hair.

But this girl's hair looked like it was from a Barbie doll.

Rosie's was natural. It was beautiful. She was beautiful.

She's got me whipped.


"Hi." I replied.

"Wanna dance."

"No thanks."

"Come on..." She said, placing a hand on my thigh.


"Come on. You know you want to." She smirked.

"I-sure why not."




Because that dance lead on to a night at her place. If I wasn't drunk, I would have heard cameras clicking.

*Rosie's P.O.V.*

"He answered my text." Liam sighed with relief.

"WHAT DOES IT SAY?!" I shrieked. I was worried sick.

"He says he's okay and not to send the police."

"At least he's okay." Louis said.

I just wish he'd come back home so I could tell it to his face. I love him.

I doubt he even heard my voicemail.

Harry come back.


I have school tomorrow. AAHHHHH!!!! NOOOOOOO! ANYWAYS: VOTE COMMENT AND FAN ME PLEASE! And thanks so much! I now have 200 fans! I'm flipping out like a crazed maniac. THANKS SO SO MUCH!

-Naidraa :)

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