Chapter 46: Death

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Random dedication to @Happygirl101

Chapter 46:

I blinked. Once. Twice. Three more times.

My head felt like someone took a bat and hit my head multiple times. Let's just say it hurt. A lot. I took in my surroundings and realized the events that had happened earlier. How long had I been out?

The second thing I realized was that my hands were bound to the back of a chair. My legs were tied to the legs of the chair. There was a strip of duct tape over my lips, making sure I wouldn't scream out.

I was in a dark room. There was one light bulb, directly over my head. It was the only light source. I was pretty sure I was in a basement since there were no windows at all.

I wonder what Dad would do to me now. I wished he had killed me quickly because I was sure what would come soon would be a slow and painful death. I would rather have a gun to my head so it would be quick. Who knew what Dad had in store for me.

I had just regained my lost memory and now this happens? The world wasn't on my side. My mind wandered to Harry, the boy I loved.

Yes loved. I probably never told him enough but I really did love him. There's just something about him that makes me happy. Happier than I've ever been in my life. If being with him meant I had to put up with Louis's antics, then I would. If dying meant Harry would be alright, then I would die.

But me dying right now had nothing to do with him. It was all me. It was a freaking bet. All Dad wanted was money. He really didn't care that a person would die, his own daughter to be exact. He only cared about money which he probably would use to keep up with the drugs that probably made him this way. Cruel. Evil. Crazy.

I heard footsteps and a person stepped into the shadows.

Dad smirked and circled the chair I was sat in. Goosebumps appeared on my arms and I shut my eyes. I felt the duct tape being ripped off of my lips.

"If closing your eyes makes you feel better, than so be it. That won't take the pain away Rosemarie." He said.

"Closing my eyes means I don't have to see you, so I'll keep em closed." I replied and gritted my teeth together.

He chuckled and I felt something cold and metal being pressed against my neck. "I'm trying to figure out the best way to kill you off. I know I will enjoy this greatly."

The tip of the knife pressed into my neck and I felt the blood trickle down. I breathed in and out, trying to calm myself down, but both Dad and I knew that it wasn't working.

"I don't know if I should use a knife...or a gun...Maybe I should just beat you up." He said and started walking around the chair again.

I stayed quiet and tried to keep my heart pace calm. "SAY SOMETHING!" He bellowed.

I opened my eyes to see him looming above me. I shook my head and mouthed the word no. He raised his hand and it came across my cheek.

"You know, I should just choke you. That would be good." Dad said.

The thought of all the air leaving my lungs and my body having hand marks around my neck scared me. My body would probably burned to rid of any evidence.

"Nothing to say?"

I shook my head. There was no one to save me. No one. I would die alone.

"The hair will be in the way. Might as well cut it all off." He had the knife in his hand. He traced the tip of it with his finger. "Won't look so pretty without all your hair now would you?"

I really couldn't care less about my hair at the moment. It was dyed an ugly brown anyways. I felt a tug on my hair.

Most of my hair was gone now. It was cut above my neck since I felt air blowing on my neck. It just made it easier to choke me. "I guess one thing comes out of this."

"What?" I spat.

"Oh now you talk?" I could almost see the evil grin plastered on his face. "You get to join your aunt in hell. Or heaven if that makes you feel any better. She had a pretty bad death wouldn't you say so?"

"And how would you know? I don't recall seeing you at the funeral."

"I was the one to kill her of course." He laughed. "I thought you would've picked up on that by now."

"You killed her?" I squeaked. A sudden flash of her dead body came across my eyes. The blood...It really all made sense, but when it happened, I was too shocked to really think about it at all.

"I just told you didn't I?"

I gulped. I felt his hands come around my neck as he started to squeeze. "Say goodbye to your life Rosie Posie. Sorry you didn't get to say goodbye to lover boy."

We both knew he wasn't sorry at all. In fact, he enjoyed all of this.

I started to get dizzy and my head hurt crazily.

Right as I thought I would pass out, someone ran into the room. "STOP!"

The hands left my neck and I gasped. I coughed loudly and breathed in the air.

"What Vincent?" Dad yelled. "You're interrupting."


A figure came into the light. I recognized that golden hair and those crystal blue eyes. Vincent, my neighbor and my classmate. "This boy works for me." Dad said. "And he was interrupting your death."

"Rosie." Vincent nodded towards me.

"Vincent?" I squeaked.

"What do you want?" Dad spat.

"Just...wanted to watch."

"WATCH?" I shouted. "WATCH ME DIE?"

"He did help kill off your aunt." Dad shrugged.

"Y-You killed my aunt?" He was a freaking liar! We were getting along so well before and I let him into my flat! He had been living next to me for weeks!

"Helped." Vincent corrected. "I helped kill her."

"That doesn't make anything better you jerk!" I shrieked.

"Oh shut up." Dad said to me.

"You let out my location didn't you?" I screamed. I tried to get up but I was still tied to the chair. "You can go rot in hell you bastard!"


"Shut up Vincent." Dad said. "No one really cares what you have to say." Vincent turned red.

"Bastards." I muttered.

Dad's hands came around my neck and he started to squeeze again. Harder and tighter too.

I shut my eyes and waited for my death. My lungs hurt and felt like they were about to explode. I could almost see the marks around my neck.

Then there was a gun shot, but I felt no pain. Was I dead? I heard a thud. Was that me falling to the ground? Was it my ghost outside of my dead body? What the hell was going on?

Was that a bad spot to leave it? Yeah, y'all probably didn't like that too much. Anyways it's so crazy that I have readers from so many different places! Poland! Singapore! Holland! Denmark! Australia! That's just a few of y'all but it so so cool and awesome that you read my stuff! Thanks!


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