The Hacker I (Request)

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The computer glitches, black letters covering the screen. Y/N smirks as she types away on her keyboard, typing in codes and hacks. After all these months, she's finally hacked into the Cyberlife tower, wanting to uncover all their secrets.

She's wanted to do this for much more than months, but she never had the money to get the newist model of computers. But now that she has purchased the computer, she has the chance to hack the most secretive place of all time.

I'm coming for you Cyberlife.

Y/N suddenly gasps, the screen flickering white and blue. Her eyes widen as the screen shows models of androids, And paragraphs with meaningless words.

Well, to normal people, they are meaningless words. For her, its the most information about something she's ever seen. Her eyes light up as she reads the couple paragraphs, gaining famous knowledge about Cyberlife.

Deviant storage, DPD

Prototype Android sent out to :@($:&@(


She giggles to herself, with the biggest smile. She finally got the information she wanted! After so long! She spins around in her spinny chair, almost falling but catching herself with the arm of the chair.

"Woah, to excited" She says as she rubs her face, staring at the screen once again. She notices a message at the bottom right corner, flashing yellow. She gets confused, getting closer to the screen and reading the message.

You have been detected in Cyberlife security, your location has been scanned-

Y/N quickly exists out of the screen, her eyes widening in seconds. She starts to breath heavily as she shuts off her computer completely.

She stands up, quickly walking out the room. She makes it to the bathroom, splashing her face with cold water.

"M-Maybe they just put that there to scare you, yeah, that must be it..." She tries to calm herself, sighing as she looks in the mirror. She's basically a criminal, hacking into websites, buildings and android programs.

She loves hacking, her dad did the exact same thing. Her dad taught her everything, before he passed away. Well, Y/N has come of age to face the fact that he's dead, she's not a child anymore.

She groans as she stretches, stripping to get into the shower. She hasn't took a shower in a couple days, wanting to smell good, she takes a quick one. The water immediately washes away her stress and worry about the hacking, smiling to herself.


Y/N yawns, turning around in her bed to get more comfortable. She cuddles her fluffy pillow, not being able to sleep.

She has this feeling in her gut, a weird feeling she can't explain. She tries to calm down, feeling like her own stomach was attacking her. She breathes slowly in and out of her nose, calming herself.

She stares out her window, seeing white fluffs falling out of the sky. It is the start of December, she better start using her heater. She reminds herself for the next day, cuddling into her blanket.

She suddenly hears knock on her door, hard ones that sorta made her jump up in her bed. She groans, rubbing her eyes as she stands up.

She makes her way out into hallway, hearing another wave of knocks on her door. She covers her ears as she grumbles, not being fully awake yet.

She gets to her front door, not caring to look through the little key hole as she slowly opens the door. She's met with brown eyes, with an LED to go with them. The snow seems to flow around the male android, making him look rather attractive.

She raises an eyebrow, wanting to know why an android is at her house at this time of night. Knocking loudly, in a quiet neighborhood.

"May I help you?" She asks, rubbing her eyes once more with a little yawn to go with her actions. The android fixes his tie, his little cute fluff of hair getting close to his right eye.

"Are you Y/N L/N?" He asks, stepping slowly closer to her with a dominate manor. She gulps, realizing that this android means business.

"Y-Yes?" She sorta answers, mostly questions as she steps back a few inches, making a comfortable space between them.

"You have been hacking into Cyberlife...." He mutters out in an angry tone as he steps closer, inches away from her face. He grips her hand in a death grip, making her yelp in shock.

"Cyberlife does not like that.." He whispers darkly into her ear, making her shiver, some part of the shiver being fear, and then the other part being pleasure. She hates to admit it, but him roughly whispering into her ear made her stomach flip in a good way.

She tries to react fast, trying to back up to get out of his grip. She gasps as he pulls her towards him, making her go into his arms. From far away they could of looked like a couple. He growls as he makes her move out of her house, into the dark cold night towards a Cyberlife car.

She quickly stumbles back words, trying to knock the android over in the process. She has some success, making his grip loosen on her hand. She sees his LED, getting an idea. She's never hacked an android in person, in touch, but she has studied it.

She quickly lays her finger on his LED, making it flicker yellow and him stop moving. His eyes go blank, giving her time to get out of his grip and sprit down the street. The touch of the LED should give her twelve seconds to run.

After those seconds go by, Connor quickly looks around, seeing Y/N's running figure. He quickly runs after her, her gasping as she hears him catching up behind her. She quickly turns by a building, trying to make the android lose her track.

She miserably fails, still hearing his running steps close behind her. She starts to breath heavily, remembering she doesn't really exercise much. The snow makes her body shiver as she runs, watching snow flakes quickly rush past her.

She starts to feel her adrenaline drain, her feet and legs starting to ache. She watches as lights of the street lights flash past her.

She rounds another building, coming to a dead end in an alleyway. She curses under her breath, knowing she knows the place like the back of her hand, guess she didn't.

She gasps quietly as she hears the android walk up behind her, making her turn around.

She watches him angrily approach her, her frantically looking for a way out of the situation. Her brain seems to go blank as she looks around, until she spots a ladder leading up to one of the buildings roofs.

She quickly runs towards it, not thinking as she climbs up the ladder with all her might.

Connor quickly follows behind her, reaching for her feet with soft growls. She quickly makes her way to the top of the building, running away from the ladder. She looks for an opening, anything to help her escape. There is nothing.

She notices she's afraid of heights, forgetting she was when she was climbing up the ladder. She looks over to hear Connor get on his feet from climbing up the ladder. Tears come to her eyes, one tear leaking down her cheek.

"Please, let me go..." She says in a slight whisper, knowing he can hear her. She slowly backs away as he steps towards her, not paying attention to her words. She scrambled for words, backing into a little wall.

Her eyes fill up with more tears, knowing this might be it for her. Her breath seems to get caught in her throat, making it hard to breath.

She might go to jail, never to be able to live her life. She whimpers as the android slowly leans into her, gripping ahold of her arm harshly.

His eyes seem to become even more darker as he does this, making her whole body shake in fear. He stares into her glossy eyes, wet of tears.



You guys like the cliff hanger?😂

Yes there will obviously be a part two in the near future, don't worry <3

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