The Androids Jealousy I (Request) (AU)

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Snow falls all over Detroit, the night gusts of air making the cold worse. Y/N flips the metal lighter in her fingers, gracefully flipping it between her knuckles.

The car moves slowly, since the snow is thick on the city roads. Connor taps his pointer finger on the car wheel, blowing the little piece of hair out of his right eye. 

Y/N flips the lighter up, catching it on basically the tip of her pinky. Connor glances at the android, feeling pretty impressed by her actions. She balances the lighter on her thumb, feeling eyes staring at her.

She looks at her human partner, giving him a soft smile. Connor feels his cheeks burn, him quickly looking at the road. Y/N gets confused, she was just trying to be polite.

She didn't really understand this human.

"Detective?" She asked her partner in a polite manor. The young detective looks at the android, trying to keep a calm face expression.

"Yes, Y/N?" He answers, flickering his brown eyes at the road, than back to the android.

"Am I annoying?" She asked, not looking hurt or embarrassed. Connor quickly gulps, starting to tap his foot.

Androids do creep him out at times. They say something, that should be said with emotions, but they say it casually. It sent shivers up his spine for some reason, it reminded him of horror movies in a way.

Connor sighs, stopping his foot tapping. He felt bad, even though the android shouldn't have emotions to began with.

"No" He says calmly, seeing that the Eden club is coming up. The android doesn't say anything, her LED going a bright yellow for just a second.

The car slowly comes to a halt, Connor parking in front of the club. The android gets out of the car, Connor following. They make their way to the entrance, the android noticing the flashing purple lights and the pictures of other androids on the entrance walls.

Connor doesn't pay attention to the pictures flashing, making his way into the building. They see tubes with androids inside, females and males. They all have only underwear on, obviously the females having bras as well.

Connor feels his cheeks turn a soft red, staring at one android in particular. The female Android has dark lushes skin, with black hair in a high pony tail.

The android looks at Connor as he comes closer, her smirking and swinging her hips around. Connor tries to look away, not wanting to get "turned on" at work.

Y/N notices this, her looking at Connor in slight confusion. She feels tingles in her chest, as well as her blue heart. She is very confused at this weird feeling, checking her body for any dysfunctions.

Nothing seems to be wrong, making her LED turn bright yellow. What in the world could be wrong?

Connor feels the android gaze, quickly taking his eyes off of the seductive android. He looks at his partner, before walking away. Y/N sees a little flash at the top of her vision, making her look at it.


She tries to ignore the feeling in her chest, and her stomach as well. The feeling felt, good to her. She was scared that she might he going deviant.

She makes her way behind her partner, walking slower than usual. She watches Connor walk, trying to get the feeling out of her body. She tries to calm her blue heart down, failing and the feeling staying.

She chooses to ignore it as they see some police men here and there. They walk into a room, seeing one of the higher detectives getting up from his knees.

"Oh, Detective Anderson" He says with a smirk, walking a little closer. Y/N feels slightly threatened,wanting to protect her special partner. She steps up a little, trying to look a little intimidating.

The guy doesn't seem to notice, him patting Connors shoulder softly.

"We got this under control champ" He says with a soft chuckle, pushing him slightly away. Connor growls softly, clenching his fists in anger.

"Sorry, but, we are required to be at any investigation that involves deviants" Y/N says in a monotone voice. The man looks at her with a glare, stepping forward a little.

"You little-" Connor places his arm in front of the android, glaring back at him.

"Don't start" Connor says quietly, the guys sighing and slowly steps out of the way. He walks our of the room, them watching to more police men walk out of the room.

Connor sighs in frustration as Y/N walks over to the deviant. She looks injured, blue blood coming out of her nose. She seems to have marks all over her legs and arms.

Y/N gets on her knees, getting close to the hurt android. Connor watches, getting confused on why she got so close to the android. She sets her fingers by the android nose, bringing her fingers up to her mouth.

"Ughh! Y/N!"


They walk out of the room, Connor being in slight disgust. Y/N doesn't notice him, going up to one of the tubes in the room. She stares at the female android as Connor goes to talk to one of the cops.

Y/N takes her time staring at the android, staring at her body. If she looked like that, would Connor not be annoyed by her? He did like that android at the entrance.

She then notices something, the android at the entrance hardly had any clothes on. If she wears hardly any clothes, would Connor like her then?

Y/N ponders it, maybe when he gets home, she could change into something more revealing. Should she ask him first before she does?


She feels her cheeks turn a soft vibrant blue, her finger softly shaking. Isn't that, sexual? To have little clothes on in front of someone? This club is considered a sex club, but with androids.

Would he allow her to dress like that at all?


Fuck I'm so sickkkkk. Is it possible to sneeze your brains out? APPARENTLY.

Anywaysss, sorry for not, you know, writing much. Being sick and having homework on a weekend is bullshit, as well as cleaning a lot.

My boyfriends birthday was yesterday! Woo!

Okai, so the next part to this will obviously be a smut/lemon, WOO!

bai for now!


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