Low Thirium (Request) (RK900)

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Y/N walks down the dark road, the sky a pitch black. She senses rain, smelling the fumes of rain in the air. She wondered on how she can even smell, not knowing much since she just turned into a "deviant".

She liked the thought of being deviant, knowing that no one can control and manipulate her. She feels a rush of happiness, smiling to herself. Since she ran away from her owners house, she feels more independent about herself.

She knows she doesn't know very much about being a deviant, but she plans on finding more deviants and learn.

Y/N calmly listens to her foot steps as her feet hit the pavement, being barefoot. She didn't bother putting on shoes, knowing she had to get out of the house quick and easy. She groans, trying to ignore the pains in her side.

She lets her hand rest there, feeling thirium cover her fingers. She debates on how she can patch it, not really knowing on where to go. She is losing thirium fast, gushes of it covering the sidewalk as she strides.


Y/N dashes pass the coffee table, stepping quickly over the big lump in the rug. She gasps, feeling a hand reach out for her hair.

"Y/N!!" Her owner yells out angrily, trying to grip at any part of her body to stop her. She yells out in fear as she runs into the kitchen, looking for any weapon.

Before she could find one, however, she hears a shing of a knife, hearing her owner run over to her. She yelps out, trying to push him away in a big struggle.

She gets more scared every second, afraid she would get hurt from the sharp knife. She tries to kick him, failing and feeling her foot come in contact with air.

He turns her around, quickly putting the knife up to her neck. She stays quiet, feeling glad that she can't produce tears. Suddenly, she feels warm water flow down her cheeks, feeling her cheeks turn a puffy blue.

She's crying?

She forgets about the mostly impossible action and struggles in her owners arms, using the heel of her foot to stomp on his toes. She does, which makes him yelp in pain and lets his grip loosen on her.

She takes the moment of his weakness and gets out of his grip, him quickly slashing at her as she tries to sprint away. She feels a sudden large pain in her side, yelling out as thirium hits the floor in big droplets.

She's never felt pain before, the horrible feeling making her lose some energy. She tries to forget about the pain, rushing out the door as her owner quickly chases after her.


Y/N sighs, not knowing where she could rest for the night. She feels exhausted, feeling her robot heart beat slow. She walks for a while, watching some moths fly past her towards a street light.

No cars are out, which indicates it is probably very late at night by now. She listens to leaves flow in the wind as she keeps walking, staring at all the houses she passes. She must be close to the city, seeing the houses get more formal as she walks.

She gasps, seeing a warning at the top of her vision. She gets scared and worried, knowing it's important.

Warning - Thirium Low.

She quickly looks around, scanning the area. She looks for any thirium storage, seeing nothing but dark tree shapes. She starts to feel pains in her head, silently cursing as she runs down the street. She steps into the city streets, hearing her footsteps boom in ally ways she passes.

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