Crushing My Heart II (Request) (Angst)

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Y/N feels her hands tremble in fear, almost dropping the phone in her hand just like the cup that shattered on the floor.

"Y/N?" Hank repeats, sounding a little more concerned. She couldn't believe it, Connor was cheating on her, with her enemy, how could he do this?

He promised he wasn't, and now here he is, not telling Hank where he was actually going, and most likely at the bitches house.

Y/N has had enough of this broken feeling, telling Hank she'd be back. She basically slams her phone into her pocket, going over to her shoes and putting them on. The glass would just have to stay there for a while.

She bursts out of her house, shutting her door and making her way to her car. She quickly gets into her car, starting it with a murderous rage. She was about to punch the wheel in front of her, but doesn't becuase she has to save the punch for Connor, maybe even for her enemy.

She drives off quickly, speeding past a red light. She hopes no one saw her little sin. She speeds down the road, making her way to her enemy's house.

She parks in front of the house, slamming the car shut and stomping into the night. She makes her way to the front door, angrily knocking on it as she gets there.

There is silence followed by her actions. She got irritated, knocking once more. She hurt her finger, but she didn't really care at the moment. Movement is heard, and she gets her huge punch ready, closing her hands into fists.

The door unlocks, it swinging open to reveal a Maline, with a confused expression. She starts to make an annoyed face, seeing who was at her door.

"Oh, it's you" Maline snarls, looking at her red nails. (yeah I'm going there).  Y/n rolls her eyes, grabbing the bitch by her hair.

"Hey!-" Maline exclaims out, being pulled into her house by her own hair. Y/n takes her time in dragging her inside, kicking the door so it slams shut. She hopes no one has seen her do this.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" She exclaims out, trying to wiggle out of Y/n's gave grasp. Y/n rolls her eyes, letting the pathetic girl go.

"Where is he?" Y/n asks with a glare at the girl on the floor. Maline stays on the cold kitchen floor, giving Y/n a glare back.

"Who?" She asks, getting up and fixing her already messy hair.

"You know who!" Y/n exclaims, ready to use her punch to maline's face. Maline flinches, taking a step back. She gets fazed, but then goes back to her mean glare.

"I'm not telling you" She mumbles, crossing her arms. A sudden creak is heard in another room, Y/n noticing. She stay silent , looking at Maline. Maline makes a poker face, tapping her foot.

"Uhh that's my cat-" Y/n pushes her down to the ground before she could continue, making her way to where the sound came from. She walks through the dirty, messy living room, seeing that a door was open. She enters the room, seeing no other then Connor hiding in a corner.

Y/n gives him that look, you know, that look before you die kind of look. Connor seems to get scared, trying to flee to another room before she grabs her shirt.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" She screams at him by his ear, letting her built of rage come out of her lips. She was going to start crying, but held it in.

Connor flinches, knowing that he massively fucked up. Connor laughs awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head.

"Uhh, play date-?" Before he could finish, Y/n punches the android right in the face. It hurt her knuckles, it really did, but it felt good to let the frustration out on his face. Connor stumbles back onto Maline's bed, cupping his now blue covered nose.

"Connor! This is the last time!" Y/n cries out, taking her foot and kicking right on his dick. He yelps out, laying on his side as he holds his crotch in agony.

"You are a horrible person! You know what! You aren't even a person! You fucking machine!" she yells and cries once more, seeing the look of slight hurt on his face as she runs away, past Maline and out of the house. She couldn't deal with the messy house, and the smell of betrayal.

She sprints to her car, quickly fumbling to put the key into the ignition. She could hardly see through the tears that was clogging her vision.  She starts to drive, crying as she grips the steering wheel.

She feels her hurt knuckles throb, closing her eyes for a second. She knew she was going to cry, she knew it. So why is it such a surprise to her?

She sniffs, feeling the depression she felt before. Was she not good enough for that rotten Connor. Why did she feel feelings towards him so much to go through this?

Before she could think any more, a flash of light fills her vision, looking up to see a car right in front of her. Y/n gasps, feeling her whole world slow down as the car speeds to hers.

The cars collide.


Oof. did I just write something! Yes I did! It's been forever how are you guys life's?

Is there a part three of this? 👀

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