Light Sleep (Request)

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Y/N feels her stomach churn, watching as the cab drives up to her house. It was around eight pm, which means it was turning dark by the second. Y/N did not like the dark, in fact, she hated it.

The feeling of not being able to see anything right in front of her scared Y/N, scared her enough to even use a night light at (Y/A) (your age) year's old.

Y/N walks over to the cab, feeling tingles go up her spine as she sees the dark around her. She quickly jumps into the cab, closing the door and hugging her self.

Why did there have to be a case at night? Why couldn't they wait until morning? She signs, shaking her head in frustration.

She was being selfish, people are most likely in danger, and she's being a pansy about the dark. She needs to just calm her mind, think happy thoughts. She watches the road as the self-drive cab darts down the street.

She liked the way the street lights fly past, and the shop windows reflect from the light. She calms herself, looking down at her fingers. She bites her lip, seeing the cut for earlier still slightly bleeding.

Earlier, she cut her finger on some glass. How did she cut herself on the glass? Well, Connor, the Android sent by Cyberlife, broke her window trying to get inside. It was around two aclock in the morning when he broke it, she was only sleeping.

She gets surprised as the taxi vehicle comes to a stop rather harshly, making her head spin for a second. After that second passes by, she climbs out of the car. It drives off as she walks towards the building, the DPD building that she so hates with her well being.

She takes her time to walk inside, feeling her eyes feel drowsy from lack of sleep. She groans as the lights above give an annoying ray of artificial light, making her eyes stiff even more.

She just wanted sleep.

"Oh, hello Detective Y/LN" She suddenly hears behind her, making her gasp and jump. She quickly turns around to see the one in only Connor, fixing his tie like usual.

"Hi Connor" She says with a small yawn coming from her lips, making Connor scan her health to see if sue is alright.

"Your percentage of sleep is increasing, do you need a break from night runs?" He asks with the adorable little questionable face, making Y/N smile. He always cheered her up in some way she could never explain.

"No, I'm fine Connor" She says as she twiddled her thumbs, a habit she has caught out of no where. Connor nods, leading her to Hanks desk. She knew where to go, but Connor just likes to help her any way he can.

Y/N takes her precious time, walking slow behind the android. She did not want to see Hank at the moment, him probably either being drunk or very cranky.

They make it to Hank's desk, him looking actually pretty normal. He's just sitting there, with the most blank expression Y/N has ever seen, it kinda scared her.

Hank gets up, letting his chair roll under his desk.

"Let's go squad" He says bored like, making his way out of the room. Wow, they walked all the way over here for no reason. This makes y/N a little bit frustrated, but she lets it pass her brain.

While they walk to the car, she feels Connors eyes on her, thinking he was scanning her. She felt sort of uncomfortable, trying to not let it show as her cheeks glow a bright pink.


The car stops, Y/N taking her time once more to get out of the car. Connor takes a note that she is moving rather slowly, making him feel a little worried about his partner. She is usually energetic, and always making jokes, why is she so tired?

Y/N feels woozy, feeling her stomach churn in a not so feeling good way. She groans, looking around to see darkness around her. That makes her stomach feel worse, Connor noticing and quickly springing into action.

"Y/N, you must sleep" Connor says, grabbing. Ahold of her shoulder so he is sure she doesn't fall. Hank looks at them as he gets out of the car, Him sighing and letting his hand glide through his hair.

"if you want to go home that's fine Y/N, I won't tell the boss" He says in another annoyed tone,making Y/N glare slightly at him.

Connor grips onto her arm, walking her quickly down the street. Surprisingly, her house is very close to the investigation. It only being down the street.

She opens the door to the house, Connor quickly going inside and shutting the door.

"Connor what-" Connor quickly shushes her, leading her to her living room. She makes her sit on the couch, getting a blanket close to her and handing it to her. She slowly takes it, feeling the oft texture around her fingers.

He sits down beside her, making her get confused. Why was he sitting beside her?

"Connor?" She questions, scratching her head a s she looks at the android. He smiles, fixing his tie once again.

"I hear it's better if people sleep around another person for rest" He says as he scoots closer to her, making her heart jump ever so slightly.

She yawns, her blush staying on her cheeks as she slowly lays her head back on the couch, covering herself with the soft blanket. She feels drowsy, about to fall asleep until she feels herself fall, her head landing in Connors lap.

She doesn't mind him that much, thinking he was surprisingly comfortable. She stays there, enjoying the cute and sleepy atmosphere with the television playing in the background.

The darkness doesn't seem to be scary at the moment, Connors presents seeming to lift her little fear as she falls completely asleep.

Connor smiles.


This one isn't so good I knowww.

Sorry for not updating my life is shittttttt.😂

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