Movie Night

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She stares at him, him across the room at his desk, typing away. Her heart melts as she takes him in, his gleaming brown eyes looking at the screen.

His name is Connor, the android that she's fallen in love with. Ever since she started getting trained by Lieutenant Anderson, she can't help but fall in love with the android. The way a little piece of hair just naturally falls close to his right eye, his cute android uniform.

Who wouldn't love him?

He glances at her, giving her a small smile. She blushes as she waves at him, he adorably waves back. Sbe see his cheeks flush a hardly noticeable blue, going back to work. He's so cute, wow, she needs to stop before this crush gets out of hand.

"Y/N? The fuck you starin' at?" Hank asks waving a hand in front of her face. She gasp as she looks at him, laughing embarrassingly.

"I uhh..." She couldn't think of anything, so she just gives up. Hank has known her crush, shes asked him what she should do. He told her to just go tell him, Hank likes Connor as well, Hank being Connors father? Adorably adorable.

Hank chuckles as he pats her back, giving her a smirk. How about you and Connor come to my house tonight? Have a little movie night?" She blushes in embarrassment and stares at him, not thinking he's serious.

He stares at her, still smirking.

"Y-Your serious? I've basically never talked to him! Only a couple words!" she exclaims playing with her hair. Hank rolls his eyes as he chuckles once more, standing up and walking over to Connor.

She see Hank ask him something, probably the movie night thing. Connor looks at him, giving off a small smile as he glances at me. He nods and says something, making Hank smile and pat his head.

Hank comes back, with the hugest smirk on his face.

"He said yes, see ya at nine aclock sharp Y/N" He sits back on the chair, turning on his computer. She blushes, staring at Connor as  she gets nervous.


Hours later ~


Y/N sighs as she walks up to Hanks front door, messing with her hair. She really didn't want to come, knowing the Connor would be there.

She kocks on the door, getting nervous feelings as she hears footsteps on the other side. Hank opens up the door, with a grey hoodie and baggy pants on.

"Heyyyyy Y/N" He says with a smirk letting her in. She rolls her eyes and steps into the house, looking at the surroundings. She walks into the livingroom as she hears the door close.

She sees Connor on the couch, with his jands in his lap. He seems to be leaning on the couch, looking relaxed with a calm expression. He looks up, noticing her with a smile.

"Hello Y/N, your ten minutes and twenty two seconds late" He states as Hank walks by, going into what she presumes is the kitchen.

"Y-Yeah uhh, sorry for that" She awkwardly says as she slowly sits beside him, seeing he's watching a scary movie, with a girl running with dramantic music in the background.

"It is no problem, you just getting here is a blessing" He says with a soft tone, looking at her with his beautiful brown eyes. She blushes, shyly covering her face with her hands.

"D-Did you flirt with me?" She asks, looking at him through her fingers. He stares at her, his cheeks turning blue.

"Yes, flirting is when you say something to the other to show you're attracted to them, am I correct?" He tilts his head, raising a perfect eyebrow. She smiles, liking the way he always talks.

"Correct, Connor" She giggles as she looks at the television, Hank coming back with a bowl of popcorn. He sits beside Connor, putting pieces of popcorn in his mouth. With Connor beside her, and Hanks huge chewing sounds, this is going to be a long night.


Deeper in the movie, Hank has surprisingly fallen asleep, sorning peacefully leaning on the arm of the couch. The bowl of popcorn has fallen on the floor, popcorn pieces everywhere around it. Connor suggested they pick it up, but she simply says no, Hank can pick it up.

So its just her and Connor, alone, in a house, watching a movie that Y/N is actually kinda getting scared of. Everytime a jump scare comes, she would scootch over, closer to Connor.

He notices this, wanting to comfort her, hold her in his arms. But thats against his program, he couldn't possibly do that. She whimpers as she watches the movie, quickly gripping onto his arm. He slightly jumps, staring down at her. She blushes at the contact but doesn't let go of him.

He slowly puts his arm around her shoulder, blushing blue the whole time.

This can't possibly be happening, Amanda will kill me.

Y/N cuddles into his chest, being the most bold she's ever been. His robotic heart quickens, her noticing it with a quiet giggle. She looks up at him, forgetting about the movie and caressing his jaw line.

"Connor? whats wrong?" She says gently, sitting up from his chest and cupping his cheek. She feels his cheeks heat up, not knowing he could do that.

"I-I uhh..." He studders, staring at her cute posture, her blushing herself.

He's known what kissing is, he has seen couples do it in public. He's serched it up before, wanting to actually do it with Y/N. This is the time to find out what all he's learned.

He slowly caresses her chin, her gasping as he kisses her cheek, than her nose in a loving way.

"C-Connor?" she asks, studdering from his actions. He softly smiles as he leans in, kissing her lips with delight. Her eyes widen, not knowing what to do for a moment. He slowly thinks he's doing it wrong, or it was the wrong time, so he quickly stops.

"I-Im sorry if.." She shushes him, placing her pointer finger on his lips.

"I-I was just...surprised" She says as she uncovers his lips, kissing him again. He shudders and leans onto her, kissing her deeper.

"What the fuck you guys doin'?" Hank slurs as he slightly wakes up, staring at him. He smirks as he sees them kissing.

"Not on my couch..." He says as he pushes the surprised guests off the couch, them tumbling to the floor. Hank laughs as Connor and Y/N glare at him, already thinking of a revenge plan.


I loved making this one!! It was fun😂

Hope you guys enjoyed! Request!! <3

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