Crushing My Heart I (Request) (Angst)

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Y/N stares or the window, sighing as she lets her hand hold up her chin. She is sitting at a small table, tapping her foot to the sound of water droplets from the kitchen sink faucet. She lets a strand of her hair get into her face, not caring if it's in her eye sight or not.

"Where is he..." She mumbles, feeling her hope of her boyfriend coming slim. Connor was supposed to be here around an hour ago, having this little date already planned out.

They were supposed to watch a movie and order Chinese food, one of her personal favorite kinds of food. (If it's not your favorite kind of food pick something different), but instead she is just sitting her, staring out a window into the night.

Usually she's the one who's late, she was just that kind of person. He's never late, so this worries her. She slowly looks at her phone, seeing the moon shine onto the screen.

Maybe she should call Hank, to see what's taking him so long. She picks up the phone, imprinting her finger print onto the little button to open it. She hopes he's not drunk as she taps on his number, the phone starting to ring.

After two rings, she hears Hank pick up with a grumble.

"What" He says in a grumpy way, not sounding drunk at all, which is a surprise. She waits for a Second as she hears the sound of bed sheets, was he sleeping at nine?

"Where's Connor?" She asks as she makes a thin line with her lips, remembering she's on the phone and feeling kinda dumb.

"I thought he was at your house" Hank says with a yawn, her eyes going a little wide at his answer.

"He's not here" She says a matter-of-factly, which makes Hank go silent for a moment.

"Well shit, kid, I don't know then. I can't control him" Hank says half heartedly, making her a little annoyed.

"Ugh just never mind" she says, quickly hanging up on him before he can respond.

Now she's getting super worried, he always tells Hank exactly where he is going. If he told Hank that he was coming here, and he isn't here, he's most likely doing something he's not supposed to.

She puts down her phone, thinking on where he could be. He couldn't be at the Detroit Police station, if Hanks not there he isn't, he can't be at the park, because it's being worked on. Where else could he be?

She taps her chin, thinking. She has no idea where he could be, or why yes even lying. Suddenly her phone starts to ring, making her jump in her chair. She quickly grabs a hold of it, seeing it's Hank once again.

She sighs, seeing his name flash across the screen. It's probably him calling back to make fun of her or something. She doesn't have time for his shit, so she declines the call, and walks over to the fridge to get some water.

While she gets the glass of water, the sound of silence through her house gives her chills. Usually her pet is making noises, but her pet being at the vet means it's always going to be quiet until he/she gets back.

She takes a gulp of water, getting some on her chest as she hears her phone start to ring again. She grumbles, basically slamming her glass of water on the counter, making it splash onto the clean counter a little. She's relived it didn't break as she walks to her phone, seeing Hanks name on the screen.

She gets confused on why he's calling twice, usually he doesn't do this. Today is really confusing. She slowly picks it up, holding it up to her ear.

"Hello?" She asks, going over to her counter and getting a rag.

"I found something!" Hank exclaims, in a kind of worried way as she puts the rag on the water, and staring to dry the counter.

"What do you mean you found something?" She asks in a annoyed tone, feeling the cold water on her hands.

"In Connors room" He says with an annoyed tone back. Her hand suddenly stops, getting interested in Hanks words.

"I'm listening..." She says, keeping all of her attention to the call. This must be important if Hank is snooping in Connors room, unless it's a hobbie of his, actually it might be.

"I found a picture of Connor with another girl" Connor says as there is paper folding in the call, following his words.

She rolls her eyes.

"Hank, it's probably a chief of police or something" She says as she starts to clean up the rest of the water on her counter. She picks up the glass cup, getting ready to put it into the sink as she puts the rag away.

"It's Maline" He says, making her gasp and drop the glass cup, making it shatter on the floor in pieces.



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