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My alarm blared in my ears, waking me up from my much-needed sleep. The clock blinked 6:23 and I groaned, rolling out of bed.

I groggily crept into my kitchen. Once there, I grabbed a granola bar and shoved it in my backpack along with a Gatorade. That's a nutritious breakfast in book.

I hopped in the shower, quickly rinsing myself off from last nights shift at the cafe. I had spilled coffee all over myself and was now smelling the aftermath.

I stepped out and dried myself off, continuing to pull on some light-washed skinny jeans (that were starting to get a bit tight) paired with a loose maroon V-neck. I brushed out my bleached hair and checked the time.

It was almost 7, meaning I was almost late. I mumbled a curse and threw my damp hair into a ponytail, grabbing my bag, and chewing on my granola. I headed out the door, making sure to lock it.

The bus pulled up in front of my apartment complex and I hoped on. In no time, we pulled up to Midtown High School. Just another day, I thought.

And let me just say, I couldn't have been more wrong.


"Teylie?" Mr. Harris called. I looked up from my notes and studied the board.

"256?" I answered. It came out more like a question. He raised a brow at me. "You could've used a calculator ya' know." I shrugged. "I'm better at mental math, I guess." He nodded and confirmed my answer was correct.

The bell echoed throughout the building, signaling that school was over. I packed up in the blink of an eye and rushed out the door.

Stepping out of the school, I took in the afternoon sun and the fresh air. The day was gorgeous, blue skies could be seen all over the city. I sprinted to the diner. There was no way I was going to miss my shift. I had a packed schedule tonight. First the diner, then the café, then the gas station, and hopefully I could finish my homework by 1:00 a.m.

I arrived at Mel's Diner and burst through the doors. The chef, Bobby, smiled at me. "Hey Kid! How was school?" He asked. I shrugged and replied in a bored manner. "Same old, same old."

I grabbed my uniform from under the counter and headed into the bathroom to change. It was an old-fashioned diner, so the uniform was a teal polo, with a white skirt, a black apron around the waist, and (of course) roller skates.

I skated out, dumping my backpack behind the counter and grabbing my notepad and pen. I tucked the pen behind my ear and noticed a new group of 5 waiting in one of the booths. They seemed very familiar and when a little girl went up to ask one of them if they were Captain America, it dawned on me who they were.

I skated over to Bobby with wide eyes. He noticed me and looked up. I nudged my head in their direction and when his eyes landed on the booth, he went a little pale. "Well? Go take their order! Don't keep em' waiting." He whispered. I looked around. All the other waiters and waitresses seemed busy with their own tables.

I took a breath and pulled out my phone, I played broadway musical songs through one of my earbuds as I skated up towards the group.

"Hi! Can I help you?" I smiled politely.

Tony Stark surprisingly stuttered. "I-uh, sorry. Could I get your name?" He looked taken back and a bit nervous. It was almost as if I intimidated him.

Me. The literal definition of a loser, was making the Tony Stark, stutter.

I kept my smile plastered on. "Oh sure. My name's Teylie, but your welcome to call me Tey."

A red head that I identified as Natasha Romanoff, stepped in. "Um, well then Teylie. We'll just take 5 vanilla milkshakes." She smiled.

I nodded and skated over to Bobby. "Just 5 vanilla milkshakes." I relayed. He nodded. "Wanna give me a hand?" He asked. I cracked a smile. "Only if I get to play my music." All the regulars groaned and complained about how I had terrible taste. I rolled my eyes, even noticing the Avengers looking at me with small smiles.

I turned on my music and Opening Up played.

"The day starts like the rest we've seen,"

I sing along quietly as I fill the glasses with milkshake. I add the whipped cream and put them on a tray. I skate over and hand them out.

"Anything else?" I asked politely.

"Actually, we're done here. Thank you for the milkshakes." Mr. Stark said. He handed over the money and left a huge tip. It looked as if he was almost dragging the rest of his team out. While they were leaving, Tony dropped a file.

A couple of papers flew out of it and I reached to pick them up. Someone shouted for me to stop, but it was too late as I flipped over one of the papers.

Teylie Rose Milford

January 17, 2002

3:23 am

Mother: Jennifer Milford

I smiled at my mother's name. I remembered her warmth, her kindness, her capacity to love.

Father: Tony Stark

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