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I froze and looked up at them. They were still and silent. I picked up another paper. It was my recent report card. Straight A's. I opened the file revealing numerous documents on me. From my birth to when I dropped off the grid for years, using a fake name as a child. I picked up a paper. It was my work schedule. I scanned through it, my eyes landing on today.

Wednesday: Mel's Diner 4-6; The Little Cafe 6:15-9; Randy's Gas and Snacks 9-12.

I grabbed the file and sat at a booth, the Avengers follow me. I see Bobby clearing people out for closing. He shoots me a look that says "we'll talk about this later". I turn my attention back to the group.

"So... is it true?" I ask. I try to keep a steady voice, but on the inside, I'm flooded with what seems like millions of thoughts and question's speeding through my head.

"I-uh-is what true?" He stutters. The great Tony Stark, having a nervous breakdown. Talk about ironic. 

"Dumb isn't a good look on you, trust me. Are you my biological father?" I ask calmly.

"Yes. But I want you to know that I didn't know about you until last week." He says quietly, giving me a pleading look. This was way out of character from what I've seen on the news.

Steve Rogers speaks up, defending him. "He's right. He only told us yesterday before dragging us out here."

"We wanna take you back to the Compound. You could have a home. One that you don't have to pay for. Tony's rich, he'd buy you anything you wanted." A redhead I identified as Natasha Romanoff, told me.

I thought for a second.

"No." I said and got up. It was time for me to hit the road. I had to get to the cafe.

The Avengers looked stunned. They clearly weren't expecting a 16-year-old to reject their offer to upgrade from a small apartment to a huge building.

I grabbed my backpack and switched my shoes. I waved bye to Bobby after he questioned me about what 'all that' was about. "I'll tell you tomorrow," I whispered and headed out the door. I didn't get very far when I heard it open after me and I glanced to see Tony coming after me.

"Where are you going?" He questioned.

I raised my eyebrow. "You have my schedule. You guys can tag along when I go to Randy's if you really want to. But, at 12 am I won't be in a good mood, just a warning."

I walked away and quickly got to the cafe. I changed in the bathroom, out of my old uniform and into my new one.

The cafe wasn't that busy and the 2 and a half hours went by quicker than I had hoped. Eventually, it was time to head to Randy's Gas and Snacks.

I made it to the old gas station. Thankfully when I got there, no Avengers were waiting for me. It wasn't very busy inside, so I pulled out my homework. I counted about 6 hours of the stuff.

Yay! No sleep tonight! 

I thought to myself in a sarcastic tone. I pulled out my science and got to work. The teacher had slipped some college-level papers in because he noticed I wasn't being challenged enough.

I paid no attention as the bell chimed, telling me someone had entered the store. I did, however, see out of the corner of my eye as the person stood in front of the cash register. I held up a finger, trying to finish this one engineering question. I couldn't quite figure out how these two pieces could fit together.

Suddenly it all clicked. The person stated, "You have to-" I shushed him and immediately jotted down the answer. I looked up to be met by a certain group of hero's.

Tony stared at my answer. "Huh, not the way I would've done it."

I mumbled a thanks and let them behind the counter.

"Look, kid, we're all tired here. Just come to the Compound with us and call it a night." Tony suggested.

I shook my head. "I'm not tired, because I never sleep, and I won't be going anywhere with you. Sorry." I said, even though I didn't really mean the apology.

"Why?" Steve asked. He was clearly frustrated. They all were.

"I don't know, maybe the idea of being spoiled rich doesn't really appeal to some people." I argued. The first part was a lie. I knew exactly why I didn't want to go with them.

Remember, no one deserves anything in this world. What you get is what you earn. If you want money to buy food, you work hard for that money. You hear me?

Her voice echoed in my head.

"Have you eaten anything since you got back from school?" Bruce asked, pulling me from my memories.

I shook my head. They gave a questioning look. "A 16-year-old has to pay her rent somehow."

Tony slid over a hundred a dollar bill. "Here. Go get dinner." He said, practically begging me to take the money.

Remember, no one deserves anything in this world. What you get is what you earn.

I shake my head. "I don't need your money. I'm fine."

Your not.

A voice echos in my head. It's my own this time around.

"C' mon kid. Just work with us." Tony pleaded.

I shook my head and looked at his team. They were exhausted and frustrated.

"Your team's tired. Let them rest. They need it." I spoke in a low tone and motioned towards them. He blew out a shallow breath and turned to talk to them. 

I had seen on the news that they had just gotten back from a mission. Dealing with stubborn teens isn't what they needed.

I put in one of my earbuds and put on a song (broadway of course).

I hadn't slept in a week, I was weak, I was awake.

You'd never seen a bastard orphan more in need of a break.

I saw the Avengers leave, minus Tony. I turned my attention back to my homework. I had switched to math.

"So, I'm guessing you don't open up easy?"

"Whatever gave you that impression?"

"Whatever. So, what grade are you in?"

"I'm in high school."

"Not a grade, but ok. Favorite color?"

"Don't have one."

"Favorite song?"

"Ok, what is this? 20 questions?"

He rolled his eyes and started playing with a cash register.

"Don't touch that," I said without glancing up. He reached out to grab a pack of gum. "Or that." I sighed, studying my homework.

My stomach growled. I glanced at the ground.

"You should really eat something." He said in a concerned tone. I shrugged, I couldn't afford food right now. At home, I was living off of granola bars, Gatorade, and goldfish crackers.

He rolled his eyes again and stood up. I watched as he walked up and down the aisles, grabbing things along the way.

He returned with a bag of Cheetos, a pack of sweet-tart ropes, and a coke. I rung him up. He paid and went behind the counter.

"Oh no, looks like I accidentally bought too much food. Wouldn't want to waste it. Will you help me finish it?" He said in a monotone voice.

I laughed a bit and caught the Cheetos as he tossed them to me. I opened them and ate.

The bag was gone in a matter of minutes. "Thanks," I say. "But, this doesn't mean I'm moving in with you."

"Oh, just you wait." He smiled.

A reasonable person would be suspicious, but me, being a Hamilton lover. Could only think of the song.

But just you wait, just you wait.

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