Chapter 12

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btw the book will be in teylie's pov unless it says otherwise

As soon as we got back to the compound, the only thing I wanted was to change. I couldn't stand the Hydra emblem on my uniform.

After being reunited with everyone, I snuck away to my room. I pulled the black shirt over my head.

During my time as a prisoner in Hydra, I had never seen my reflection. Steve told me I'd been away for a year.

A year.

I hadn't seen myself in a year. So you could imagine how it felt to find the number 2478 tattooed onto the back of my left shoulder.

I wanted to scream.

But I didn't. I couldn't. And I hated that I couldn't. Hydra had trained me not to. I wasn't even their soldier and they had made me terrified to speak. To scream. To show any sign of human emotion.

It made me sick to my stomach.

I picked up the blue T-shirt that I had found and tugged it on. I slipped on black leggings and fuzzy socks, throwing my hair in a messy bun.

I made my way out of my room and into the lab. Basically everyone who couldn't fit into the jet was there. They all stopped talking and looked to me.

"So... what'd I miss?" (hamilton anyone?)

Before I knew it, I was being engulfed in a group hug. Eventually, when everything settled down, Tony stood protectively next to me. "So, Teylie, what happened at the Hydra base?" Steve asked.

I sighed. "Well, it started when I was on my balcony. Some guy came and injected something into my neck. I walked to the lab and passed out. When I woke up I was in the base." I continued my story, noticing Peter leaning against the wall in the corner. Studying me.

Occasionally I would glance over at him and catch him staring. He would look away and blush.

God, what a dork.

But I couldn't help but smile inside.

Once I finished my story, Rhodey asked me a question. "How long did you think you were there?" I shrugged and looked at the floor. "At first I tried to count the days, some of the other girls I shared a room with did too. But we all gave up on ever getting out. Days turned to weeks. I honestly thought it had only been a couple of months when you guys got me out, but..." I trailed off, shaking my head.

"Ya' know what? You've been gone for Christmas, New years, and your birthday. I say we throw a little welcome home party." Tony says, lightening the mood. I nod. "Sure." A party would be good to keep my mind from wandering to Hydra.

A party would help. Wouldn't it?

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