endgame messed me up big time

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ok so let's talk about endgame. first of all, ouch.

second of all can we take a moment of silence for tony and nat. first let's talk nat, she deserved so much better especially after basically being the only og avenger who didn't give up on trying to get everyone back after they killed thanos. and when she told clint to let go I just-
ok you could tell how truly exhausted she was and she deserved peace. i truly wish she didn't go out the way she did but i hope that wherever she is now, she's resting and is at peace.
third of all, tony. i remember when i was writing this book, i was considering killing off tony, but i decided against it bc like ouch. and now it's come true and also peppers "you can rest now" like i'm honestly really proud of her for not being selfish and giving him the rest he deserves even tho no one wanted it. when they first introduced pepper, i didn't really like her but endgame has completely changed my opinion on her. i'm really sad and honestly i'm getting like endgame depression.
oh ok and one last thing, as much as i loved and shipped steggy, i love and ship stucky about 34% more, so i'm VERY devastated. altogether, endgame really hurt me bc the generation i've grown up in, doesn't remember a time without marvel even if we didn't know about it until we grew up a bit, and so needless to say, i was NOT READY to let go. marvel helped me through so much, it was there for me when no one else was and to know that i'll never see chris evan's captain america, rdj's tony stark, etc. again really really hurts. i hope they know just how much they've changed our lives and just how they shaped a generation.

but, since non of us have all day here i'll just leave it on one note.

we loved them 3000.

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