Chapter 16

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As we landed at the compound, I kept my eyes glued to my untied combat boots. Ya' know when there's so many thoughts racing through your mind, that you can't focus on any of them?

Yeah. That's me right now. I looked up as the back of the jet swung down into a ramp. I should've been running out to see my dad, make sure everything was ok.

But I couldn't.

Peter nudged me out of my daze. "Tey," He said motioning towards the exit. I nodded and pushed myself up. Deep breath in, deep breath out. I walked out and stumbled inside. My vision was covered in black spots.

I was about to pass out from all the blood loss from my shoulder. I looked over to Peter, who was helping me walk to the infirmary. "Pete..." I mumbled before my knees gave out on me. "Hey, I got you." He picked me up bridal style and carried me all the way.

The darkness slowly took over me and I guess Peter must've thought I was asleep, because right before everything went dark, he gently kissed me on the forehead.


The beach. Warm sand. Cold water. Violent waves. Calm breeze. Breathe in. Breathe out. Hot sun. Cold ice cream. Water. Palm trees. Island. Deserted. Alone. Alone. Alone.

I awoke in a Shield hospital room. Peter was asleep on a chair located in the corner. Steve was standing beside the bed. Both had changed into comfier clothes.

I lifted my head. "Hey." I croaked out. My throat was incredibly dry, reminding me of when I was found and had my mask taken off. Steve handed me a glass of water, in which I gulped down without complaint.

"My dad?" I asked. He looked at the ground. I could see the dark circles under his eyes and tried to imagine how hard it most have been to hold down the fort in a time of such panic.

"Alive." He spoke in his all-knowing voice. I nodded. I must've been bad if that was the only information Steve would give me.

"I'm glad your awake." He paused and motioned to Peter, still knocked out on the chair. "We couldn't get your boyfriend over there to leave your side the whole 3 days you were out." He smiled.

"No! We're not-he's not-," My rambling was cut short with Steve's chuckles. "The doctors will be back in a bit." He said before stepping out of the room.

I looked over to see Peter starting to stir.

hey guys! thanks so much for being patient. i really appreciate it. i'm not gonna give you excuses of why i'm not updating but thank you for waiting. plz let me know how you like the book so far and if you have any corrective criticism or recommendations!

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