Chapter 13

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I know what you're thinking. Wow, what a cliche. Just the typical story of a girl who goes to a party, hates the party, and wanders off to her room to cry her eyes out.

But I'm to tell you that's not what happened.

I went to the balcony, not my room. I wasn't there to cry either, I just wanted an escape from the pity looks. I was sick of hearing the "I'm so sorry's".

I leaned my elbows against the cold metal railings. I was deep in thought when I felt an hand grab me. I quickly spun around, throwing my fist at the person's face.

He just barely leaned away. I let out a breath of relief. "Peter. Hey. Sorry about that." I said sheepishly. He smiled and shifted on his feet awkwardly. "Don't worry about it. Mind if I stand here?" He asked, motioning to the space beside me. I shook my head no, scooting over to give him room.

We sat in silence, looking at the stars. "Penny for your thoughts?" Peter broke the silence. I was caught off guard. "What?" I asked, cracking a smile. "I uh-it means what's on your mind." He scratched the back of his head.

"Oh." I paused. "I guess I was just thinking about how suck-ish this whole situation is. I mean, Hydra, they treated me like an animal. I found this earlier." I pushed away the fabric of my dress to reveal the tattooed numbers. Peter let out a sigh. "God, I'm sorry."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. Everyone is." I leaned back against the railing. "Oh. Oh." He said, the realization hitting him. I switched the subject. "So, how's school been?" I asked. He shrugged. "Good. When are you planning on going back to school?" He questioned.

"Well, the plan was to run some tests, ya know, solve equations and whatever, and then send me to school if I'm all good." He nodded.

We kept talking until around midnight. I got tired and Peter all but sent me to bed.

But all this, it was just the beginning.


The next morning, Natasha shook me awake. "Ugh, what time is it?" I groaned. "6:30. I let you sleep in." She said. I fake gasped. "You hear that?" She raised an eyebrow at me. "It's me. Internally screaming." I said sarcastically before burying me head back into my pillow.

"Come on. Up and at em'. You have training today." She smiled. "Since when?" I grumbled. "Since this morning. Come on." She left me in my room to get ready.

I pulled my hair into a ponytail, threw on a black nike tank top, black leggings, and black tennis shoes. I guess wearing the same color for a year really sticks with you.

I made my way down to the gym. Once I got there, Nat was waiting for me. "Alright let's start." We got into fight positions and started going at each other. I removed her gravity, letting her float to the ceiling. "Alright." She called. I brought her back down.

"Now no powers." She smirked. I shrugged. Hydra had unfortunately trained me for every situation they could think of. After that, she tested me blindfolded. Then handcuffed. And we basically did that until lunchtime.

We arrived at the lab after grabbing a quick bite to eat. In front of me was a glass whiteboard with a marker. Tony and Bruce explained to me that they would be observing from a different room so I could think better. "It should be easy according to what you've already learned in school." They told me. On the board the equation 53 + 2g = 23 was scribbled.

I picked up the marker. I know this. I had learned this a while back. It was practically Kindergarten math for me. Well, it should've been. No matter what I tried, something in my mind wasn't clicking. After about 5 minutes of hesitating to write on the board, I started to get a terrible migraine. Something about it felt unnatural. It became unbearable as I opened my mouth to yell, but nothing came out. I fell to my knees from the incredible pain, clutching my ears to try to block out the ear deafening screaming I heard.

I squeezed my eyes shut, but part of me knew I was losing control of powers. I felt myself lift chairs, tables, anything my powers could get their hands on. As my mind struggled to get control over myself, it only caused the headache to get worse.

Tony came running in, a frantic look on his face. Bruce followed with his iPad. "We have to stabilize her." His voice came to me like a whisper, but I could tell he was actually yelling. Tony quickly ran over to one of the racks of test tubes and syringes. He picked one out and injected it into my neck.

I half expected to pass out. Unfortunately, I stayed fully conscious. The pain eventually subsided and I let out a sigh of relief. I looked around the room.

Tables, chairs, broken glass test tubes, and puddles of chemicals were scattered throughout the room. I looked up at Tony. "What was that?"

He and Bruce shared a look that told me one thing.

Nothing good.

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