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When we arrived at the lab, I noticed everyone was gathered there. Bruce smiled at me and motioned for me to sit on a table. I did as instructed.

"Friday, get a full body scan going please." Bruce spoke as he picked up a tablet and studied it.

I raised my eyebrow. "Right away sir." A voice sounded overhead. I have to admit, it caught me off guard. I flinched and looked up to see what had just spoken.

"Who..." I started. "Oh sorry, that was just Tony's AI, Friday. Steve answered. I nodded.

"Scan complete. The subject has severe dehydration, sleep deprivation," Friday said before I stopped her. "Woah, I did not give you permission to find out what's wrong with me. You can't do this. Don't I have to sign papers or something?" I start to ramble. I feel myself growing nervous and angry at the same time.

I hop off the table and start for the door, only to see it being blocked by Natasha.

"Woah, Teylie. Calm down. We're just trying to help." Steve says as he grabs my shoulder.

I spin around to face them all. "Well maybe some people don't want your help! Ever think of that?" I fire at him. I'm met by silence, looks of surprise plastered on everyone's face.

"Your all so caught up in helping that you forget that some people don't need it. I was doing just fine before you barged into my life!" I yell.

"Oh yeah? Is that why we found you working yourself nearly to death? Not having enough money to feed yourself? On your own? C'mon kid. You're smart enough to know that you were struggling." Tony shoots back.

You're smart. Smarter than you know. Smarter than your own good. You can be anything you want to be, ok? But it's not gonna be handed to you. Work for it. It's not gonna be easy.

I hear the her voice echo in my head, only a distant memory now.

"Your right. I don't have a lot. But, what I do have, I've worked hard for every single day. I work my butt off to pay my rent, buy myself food, and clothes. I've managed to keep my grades up and now, all I can do is pray that I get a scholarship. I know my life isn't perfect, but I've managed to keep myself off the streets. But, this," I motion around me. "I don't know this life. Nothing has ever been handed to me. I like it that way." I finish quietly.

The room grows quiet. I see that the door is unblocked and step out of it. I make my way down the hall and outside of the building. No one makes a move to stop me.

I notice Tony by my side.

I don't say anything. He doesn't say anything. We don't say anything. We just walk. And I surprisingly don't hate it.

Finally, Tony breaks the silence. "What happened to you when you fell of the grid?"

I sigh. There was really no point in hiding it. "Well, I guess I'll just start from the beginning."

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