Chapter 14

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Last night, Tony and Bruce had told me the migraine should've been a one time thing. They said it was probably a result of not using that part of my brain for a while. So, we assumed everything was good after running more tests and it was decided that the next day, I would go to school.


I stood before Midtown, Peter by my side. I looked at my new schedule. No one could know about my powers. However, it was difficult because it had been broadcasted all over the news when I went missing. The rumors didn't help either.

We were doing the only thing we could, not answering questions. They say Shield's working on covering it up, but it might take a while. As soon as we stepped foot in the school, I was bombarded by questions.

"Who kidnapped you?"
"Did you run away?"
"I bet you did all this for attention."
"What happened?"

Peter tried his best to clear a path for me, but he was still at the bottom of the social food chain, so it wasn't completely effective. We eventually made it to our lockers, mine was further down from Peter's.

As I put away my notebooks, a face popped up. "Hey." She spoke. I recognized her from one of my classes last year. I think we were lab partners. "My name's Lillian. We had science together last year." She said, flipping her brown curls over her shoulder. I nodded. " You seem like you've been through a lot. I just thought you could use a familiar face. Ya know, other your body guard over there." She said motioning towards Peter.

My face relaxed and I let out a breath. Lillian was the sweetest person I had ever met. She was obsessed with finding a way to change the world. I showed her my schedule. "Any classes together?" She examined the orange paper.

"Hmm. We have math, ELA, and Spanish together." She said excitedly. Once Peter came over to us, we all headed to Math.

We were maybe halfway through 5th period, science. Which happened to be the one period that I didn't have Peter or Lillian. I was focusing on the board when the pencil that had previously been on my desk floated up to be in level with eyes.

I discretely knocked it back down. My hand flew up. "Can I use the bathroom?" My teacher looked up and nodded.

As I walked down the hall, my head began to throb. "No, no, no..." I turned into the bathroom and turned on the faucet. Calm down. I thought. I ran my hand under the water and closed my eyes. Deep breath in, deep breath out.

As I opened my eyes, the water started to flow upwards. I frantically scrambled to turn off the water. Rushing out of the bathroom, the bell rang. I sprinted out the side door that led me to the street.

The somewhat warm air hit my face. I squeezed my eyes shut, then quickly opened them before running away from the school.

Car horns blared as I ran across the street. By some miracle, I managed to not to get run over. I made it to the small park and tried to clear my head. As I looked around, the leaves of the trees started to bend towards me, along with every single blade of grass. Eventually the trees themselves and even some poles were bending in my direction.

I squared down and pressed the palms of my hands to my ears, trying to stop the high pitch screaming I heard. I couldn't focus on anything and I most definitely could not control it.

Peter must've realized something was up when I didn't show up to our next period, because I saw him running towards me. Steve and Tony approached as well, both suited up. I guess Peter called them. But they weren't the only ones coming towards me.

Five men, all dressed in head to toe black gear, were running over to me. Right in the middle of their vests was the symbol that I could've recognized anywhere.


ok sorry for the short chapter and i know i'm dragging the story out waaayyy to much, but i promise a plot twist is coming.

oh and also this happened

this is crazy!!! thank you sooo much for over 600 views! i really appreciate the support

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this is crazy!!! thank you sooo much for over 600 views! i really appreciate the support. anyway, have a good day or night!

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