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The next morning I woke up to my alarm, took my shower, and packed my breakfast. I was about to head out the door when I heard a loud knock.

I figured it was a neighbor, so I let the door swing open. To my surprise, it was the cops. The cops and one Tony Stark.

"Teylie Milford?" I gave a quick nod.

"I have reason to believe you're a runaway. May I come in?" He asked.

I gulped. "Yeah just hold on a sec." I closed the door and quietly ran to my window. I pulled it open and felt the cold, winter air come in. I climbed out and made my way down the fire escape.

Once I got to ground level, I ran. Faster than I ever have. That was mostly because the police had figured out where I went by now. I was now being chased by 4 cops, shouting for me to stop.

I almost made it across Central Park when a metal hand grabbed me by the arm. I tried to pull away, but the hand wouldn't budge.

I turned around to face Iron Man, noticing the police were just behind him.


So that's how I ended up in the limo with Tony, we made our way to the Compound. Tony now had official custody of me.

As the car rolled to a stop, we climbed out. I followed him inside where we passed through a scanner. As Tony went through it, an electronic voice sounded.

"Mr. Stark. Level 10 clearance. Welcome back."

As I passed through it the voice said. "New guest, please scan your hand." I did as instructed. I felt the scanner read my fingerprints.

"Teylie Stark. Level 10 clearance. Welcome to your new home."

Teylie Stark.

That was my new legal name. Though, of course, I would still use Milford for school and other stuff.

The name would take some getting used to, but I didn't plan to stick around to get used to it.

He gave me the grand tour and eventually we stopped at a room.

"This one's yours. We'll go back to your apartment to get your stuff later tonight." He paused to check his phone. "I've gotta run. Feel free to explore." He went to leave but quickly turned around to face me. "Oh, and remember. Don't do anything I wouldn't do and definitely don't do anything I would do."

I nodded as he headed down the hall. I pushed open the door.

"Woah." I breathed.

It was five times the size of my old room and had a balcony. I stepped outside. I was about three floors up. If I jumped, I would probably live. Probably.

So I did what any sensible 16-year-old would. I climbed to the outside of the railing.

I could've sworn it wasn't this high. Ok, come on Teylie.

I looked up and slowly positioned myself into a squat. However, I was not known for being the most graceful and lost my footing.

I was now hanging by my hands. I tried to pull myself up, no such luck.

Maybe I should just call for help. I'm sure being spoiled isn't that bad.

I thought for a second before shaking my head.

No. I have a point to prove.

My arms burned. They felt like they were about to fall off. I was getting a bit light-headed from dangling from my balcony. My hands were sweating.

I slipped and fell into the lawn and groaned. I saw Tony towering over me.

"Hey, Teylie. Where do you think you're going?" He asked with a smile. I groaned some more. "Don't you have other people to annoy?" I hissed while rubbing my head. He shook his head, a smirk still plastered on his face, reaching out his hand.

"C' mon. The team wants you in the lab."

I grumpily got up and mumbled under my breath, just loud enough for him to hear. "I hate you."

hey! hope your enjoying the book so far. btw when i refer to like "being spoiled", i really don't mean to offend anybody. i'm very sorry if your were offended by this. anyway see ya next chapter! 😘

- paige

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