Chapter 9

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I awoke in a hospital bed, hearing at least two people talking.

"Steve, I don't know what they did to her. But, she's different."

"I don't know what to tell you Tony. I'm sorry."

Once I heard them leave, I slowly opened my eyes. All clear. No one was here. The first thing I noticed was my mask. Well, more accurately, the lack there of. I reached up to my face, feeling the skin. The only time I was allowed to take it off was when I was eating or sleeping. But, I still smelt it. The leather burnt into my nose. I don't think I would never un-smell it.

I pushed myself up. As I did, two men entered the room. "Hi. Do you remember your name?" One who was wearing glasses asked calmly. Of course I remembered my name, but I didn't remember how to talk. Which would only make this even more difficult. After my silence, the other, who was wearing a suit must've understood why I couldn't respond and handed me a notepad and a pen.

"Could you write your name down?" He asked me like I was five years old. I scribbled on the notepad. I held it up for them to see and watched the color drain from their faces, but I couldn't really tell why.

I looked at the paper. It was my name.


Glasses cleared his throat, but Suit stayed frozen in place. "And do you know our names?" He asked.

What a dumb question. Why would I know their names?

I shook my head. "Um-well, ok then. We're going to send in someone who might help you remember things. The glass door swung open, revealing the Scarlett Witch.

Why can't she just leave me alone?

She touched my arm, but I jerked away. She sighed. "You have to let me help." She stated.

I can't really explain how it happened. The words fell out of my mouth. As if I had said them a thousand times.

"Maybe I don't want your help." My voice shook, not from nerves or anything like that. More from not using it for, well, I don't really know how long.

She shot me a pleading look. Slowly, despite everything Hydra taught me, I shoved my hand out, letting her grab my arm.

It was over in a matter of seconds. She pulled back, terrified. I had no idea what just happened, but she quickly exited the room. The men followed.

And I was left alone.

A bad mistake on their part.

I pushed myself off the bed, a headache trying to push me back down. I made my way over to the window on the side of the wall.

I inspected it, pushing it slightly. Trying to look for a weak spot. After coming out unsuccessful, I decided to take the messier route. I took a couple of steps back.

Ok. Deep breath. You got this.

I ran, breaking the window and tumbling out of it. I hit the grass with a soft thud, rolling when I came into contact. I looked up. Apparently, I had been three stories up. Nothing I couldn't handle. Hydra made sure of that.

I saw the guy in the suit looking out the window. We made eye contact and I can't describe his face as anything but desperate. I turned away and ran.

I ignored the shouts for me to stop. I ran straight into the woods and I didn't stop until I was sure I had lost them. I checked the GPS and found I was 2 miles from the building I had just left. Another thing I noticed, I was in New York.

For a split second, I thought about going back to Hydra. I imagined how angry they'd be if they found me.

No. I'm out now and I'm never going back.

I walked and walked and walked some more, until finally, I sat down to check my progress. About 17 miles out. Not bad, but if I was going to get away from those people, I'd have to cover more distance in less time.

It didn't really matter though, they found me before I could go a step further.

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