Chapter 7

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I open my eyes and sit up, realizing I was in a bunk bed...a second too late. My hands flew to the top of my head where the bed collided with my skull. I grunted in pain, but started to look around my new surroundings.

All concrete walls, concrete floor, concrete ceiling, fluorescent lights, and about 6 bunk beds. They were lined up in rows of three, facing each other. The thin, white sheets were barely able to keep the cold out. Probably the weirdest part was that all of the beds were occupied. All girls. All close to my age by the looks of it. The only way in or out of the room was a metal door at the corner.

Only minutes after waking up, a man in a white lab coat opened the door, clipboard in hand. He pushed up his round glasses, combing through his white hair with his hand.

"Teylie Milford?" He asked looking at me. I raised my eyebrow. "Yeah?" I asked. It came out as more of croak, though and only then did I realize I was incredibly thirsty. He nodded towards the door, motioning for me to come with him. I got out of the bed and followed him into a white hallway. He led me into a room with a table set up.

"Stay here." He said. I did as I was told. He stepped out of the room and into (what I could only imagine was) the other side of the one way mirror in the wall.

The man's voice came in through a speaker in the ceiling. "Subject 2478, Teylie. DOB: January 17, 2002. Currently 16 years old. Injected with A304. Results may vary."

He paused. "Ok, Teylie. Concentrate all of your energy on the table in front of you." His polite tone was very forced, very practiced. I had no idea what he was talking about, but decided to give it a go anyway.

I stuck my hand out, took a breath, and closed my eyes. Some part of me knew this was stupid, but it felt so right. I thought about everything.

About Nancy. The pain of her death. The abandonment. I thought about school. How no one cared about me. I thought about work. How I never got any sleep. Or food. Or love. I remembered Tony. The Avengers. How I had no clue where they were. What happened. It was all so frustrating.

When I opened my eyes, I was shocked to see the table floating mid-air. So shocked, that I actually screamed. And I wouldn't stop screaming as I flailed my arm around, evidently taking the table with it. It smashed against the walls as I screamed. "How do I turn it off!" Over and over again.

Finally, the table fell to the ground. I sat on the ground, shaking. I pulled my knees to my chest. The man came in, scribbling on his clipboard. He spoke to no one in particular, but I assumed he was recording.

"Subject 2478 seems to have a new reaction to A304. Subject seems to have developed control over gravity. As of November 27, 2018, 2478 is the only subject who has reacted this way." This time he spoke to a walkie-talkie clipped onto his coat. "Contain her." There was no sweetness whatsoever in his voice.

Before I had a chance to react, Soldiers in black uniforms barged into the room. One tackled me, forcing me onto my stomach. He handcuffed my hands behind my back. Tightening them until they cut into my skin. They rolled me over, making me stand up. They muzzled me. I couldn't scream. I couldn't fight them. And now, I was an animal to them. Treated like a rabid dog.

Little did I know, it would be months before I would be smelling anything but leather.

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