Chapter 8

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So, turns out. I was abducted by Hydra who injected some kind of something into me, giving me freak abilities. Most people they test it on develop the ability to fly. I guess somehow something went wrong with me, because I developed control over gravity. And the worst part is, they have no idea how to control me. A sudden outburst could be fatal. So, I get to wear a black leather mask that covers the lower half of my face and handcuffs for the rest of my life. Yay.

A soldier ruffly shakes me awake. I sit up as she puts on my cuffs. Same old, same old. She escorts me to the dining quarters where I eat my breakfast. After that, I'm taken to my "training" where they turn me into their human weapon. Then, it's off to lunch. Finally, they'll set me to work in their factory, making whatever the soldiers needed until it's time to sleep.

I'm escorted out of the training room and led down a hallway. we turn the corner to where the dining hall is. The soldier pushes me to sit down at a table. Most of the other test subjects were scared of me. You could see it in their eyes.

I wasn't like them. And they hated me for it.

Just as the soldier was about to unlock my mask so I could eat, something came crashing through the ceiling. We all turned away from the explosion of dust that came floating down. One of the soldiers barked at us.


We did as instructed. We all knew what happened when we disobeyed. The people around me took to the skies as a nearby soldier unlocked my handcuffs.

I saw a red and gold suit and recognized him immediately. Iron Man. He was a hero from New York, which I think is where I grew up. It was hard to remember much of anything, because of the serum they injected into me about a month ago. But it didn't matter, not anymore. I picked up the nearest table and threw it at him, knocking him into a wall.

I let the others have at it, as I walked through the halls. He couldn't have been stupid enough to come alone, right? I found I was correct in the form of the Scarlett Witch.

She looked shocked to see me as I rounded the corner. "Teylie!" She marveled. She flung the soldiers trying to attack into the nearest wall as she tried to grab my arm. I shoved her off.

"What's wrong? And what's on your face?" She kept sputtering out nonsense, acting as if I wasn't the enemy. I kicked her to the ground, adding enough gravity to the mix that she wouldn't be able to stand.

Four soldiers approached me. One nodded in their direction, silently telling me to follow. He handed me a knife, a gun, and a GPS. I knew how to use each item like I knew that 2+2 was 4. We arrived to the large control room, where I found Black Widow waiting for us.

She clicked the safety off her gun and as soon as she started firing, I was pushed to the front of the group. Time slowed. As the bullets came toward us, I removed the gravity from them. They floated up to the ceiling one by one.

I think she was confused, but I couldn't really tell because something knocked me out from behind.

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