Chapter 15

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Three of the Hydra agents hurried off towards the school with something that looked suspiciously like a bomb. Unfortunately for them, Steve followed. Peter hesitantly cleared the area, following Tony's orders.

Tony started to fight the two leftover agents, whereas I stepped to the side. I couldn't get involved, not yet. I waited on the sideline for a while, eventually recollecting myself.

Once I felt I was ready, I stood next to Tony, one foot slightly in front of the other, fists up. One of the agents smirked. "Experiment 2478, you will die for betraying Hydra."

"Wow. Very original." I said sarcastically before springing into action. The fight continued, even when Peter joined, fully suited up.

I took a good amount of hits, but got in twice that many punches. Eventually, the man pulled out a knife. He attempted to stab me with the weapon several times, we were both worn out, but we weren't giving up any time soon. He took a swing for my shoulder and successfully planted the knife there.

I hissed in pain, but pulled it out and quickly turned it on him. I slashed his thigh. He lay on the ground, unable to move. I towered over him, panting and trying to ignore the pain in my shoulder. I used my powers to keep him on the ground.

I was about to collapse out of exhaustion when he looked up. At first I thought he was looking at me, only to realize his focus was directly behind me. He smiled as I turned my head to look at another agent, a woman this time, who was pointing a gun in my direction.

She pulled the trigger. The shot rang out, cutting through the air like a knife to butter. I squeezed my eyes closed, praying to any god I could think of.

Time slowed. I let out a sigh, excepting my fate. And... nothing.

I slowly opened my eyes. The bullet had definitely gone through something. But it wasn't me.

"Dad..." I whispered as I watched him bleed. A last burst of power left me, pinning the agents to the ground. It was only when I saw Peter struggling to remain standing when I focused the energy back towards me.

I ran to my father, who was on the ground, looking up at the sky. I knelt next to him, unsure of what to do about the bullet wound on his stomach. His suit had been deactivated when he took the bullet for me.

He grunted. "Hey. Dad, it's gonna be ok. Help is coming. They're coming." I managed to get out. He nodded weakly before closing his eyes.

I saw Steve starting to approach. He was talking into his earpiece, requesting evac.
Soon a jet landed next to us. They started to lift Tony up onto a carrier and into the plane. I tried to follow, but was stopped by a Shield agent.

"It's too crowded. There's another jet on the way, just about 5 minutes out." He reasoned, trying to get out of the public eye as quick as possible.

I hesitantly nodded and hung back with Peter. He wrapped me in a hug when the jet flew off. I relaxed against his warmth. "It wasn't your fault." He muttered into my hair. I pulled away from him as the second jet landed.

"All of this is my fault." I whispered, not sure if he could hear or not.

ok. so um this book has over 1k reads which is like crazy insane! thanks so much for the support and also i'm just gonna say this book is almost over. maybe a couple chapters more. anyway, love you guys!

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