Chapter 5

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"I was only about 5 or 6 when my mom got cancer. Not old enough to fully understand, but old enough to remember." I smiled. "She was always so happy. So full of life. She told me to keep working hard in school when I won my first science fair. So, when she passed, I promised her that I would get to college.

After that, I ran from the government. They were trying to get me into the system, but I was just a kid. I was scared. I lived on the streets for a while, hopping in between cities, getting better at pit pocketing. I kept up with my average school work until I was about 8. Around that time, I met an old woman, Nancy. She convinced me to come live with her under a different name. She raised me when no one else could. Taught me right from wrong. Put me into school.

But, when I was 14, Nancy died too. She left me all alone. So, I stopped waiting around for someone to come rescue me. I worked twice as hard in school, made an income.

So... your all caught up now."

He looked at me, studying me. I sighed and kept walking. He followed me.

"Thank you for telling me." He said quietly. "If we go back to the Compound, will you let Banner examine you?" He raised an eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes and checked the time on a nearby clock. I had to be at the diner in an hour. "Fine, but I have to get to work in an hour." He nodded and opened his mouth to say something, but shook his head and looked forward again. I shrugged it off, deciding to ask him about it later.

Once we got back to the lab, Bruce asked me if he could run some tests. I nodded. Friday scanned me again. "The patient suffers from dehydration, famine, sleep deprivation, and server stress." Bruce analysed the tablet again before finally putting it down and turning towards me.

"Ok Teylie, all we have to do is make sure your eating, drinking, and sleeping enough."

"I don't really see what the big problem is with my diet." I said.

"Think of it like this, you can't put a cup of gas in a car and expect it to drive to china. Your body needs enough fuel to power you through the day."

I nodded. "Alright, well thanks for examining me, but I'm gonna be late for work. I'll see you later tonight I guess." I got up to leave, but before I could go, Tony stopped me. "Don't even think about running off, we've got the whole cities security footage at the touch of our fingers." He said sternly. I nodded and headed out the door.

hey guys! hope your doing well! feel free to leave comments or ask me any questions about the book or in general!

- paige

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