Chapter 6

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After I got back from working and explaining that my dad was Tony Stark to Bobby (he agreed not to tell anyone), I was met by Bruce. "You need to have dinner." I shrugged. "Not hungry." He shook his head. "Sorry, but you really need to eat a full meal."

He began to walk down the hallway, motioning for me to follow. We made it to the kitchen where I found, Pepper. I had met her earlier when Tony was filling out adoption papers.

She looked up and noticed me. She smiled. "Hey Teylie! Almost time for dinner." I smiled in return and nodded. Before I knew it, everyone was gathered around a dining table. I was introduced to Sam Wilson (a weird bird guy i guess), Vision (some kind of robot, seems chill), Rhodey (iron man 2.0), and Bucky Barnes (captain america, but cooler).

Everyone ate and eventually started clearing out. By the time people were done, I had barely made a dent in my plate. Soon, it was just Tony, Wanda, Vision, and I left.

I sighed. "Ok, I seriously cannot eat anymore. I'm full." Tony raised an eyebrow at me. "You've barely eaten. At least get to the halfway point."

I complied, eating a couple more bites. I was about to eat another spoonful, when I suddenly ran to the nearest bathroom, throwing open a stall door, and throwing up majority of what I just ate. I heard the bathroom door creak as it swung open. "Hey, you ok?" I heard Wanda ask. I nodded, rinsing my mouth with water. "I guess I'm just not used to eating that much." I admitted.

She tells me to get some rest, while she relays that I'm ok.

I eventually make it back to my room and step out on the balcony. The air is great. Cold and windy. Exactly how I like it. The stars are out tonight and it's truly beautiful.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a sharp pain appears on the side of my neck. I turn to see someone dressed in all black, holding a needle. They quickly run away as I scream and stumble inside. I make my way to the lab where I know Tony and Bruce are.

As soon as I drowsily walk in, I've got the pair's attention. "Dad..." I mumble, not even noticing what I had just called him, and passed out.

I slowly fade in and out of consciousness, eventually letting sleep consume me.

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