Chapter 10

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"Teylie!" They shouted from their jet that was hovering over me.

Who's Teylie? I thought. There was no point in running though, they already had me within their grasp. There was no hiding from this. I stood there and drew my knife from its holster. Instead of all of them coming down, only one person approached me.

A teenage boy, my age if I had to guess. Something about him was oddly familiar. It was possible I went to school with him before Hydra, but again the drug made sure I didn't remember.

He put his hands out in front of him as I raised my knife. "Hey, it's ok." He said calmly. He ruffled his hair. "I-um, I'm Peter. I'm not gonna hurt you. You can put the knife down." He muttered awkwardly. He held out his hand, a gesture of peace.

I put my weapon away and slowly walked toward him, despite all of my best instincts. Our hands met and I couldn't help but notice how soft the skin on his were. He shook my hand and motioned for me to follow him inside the jet.

Maybe it was because I was used to working with people my age, but it was easier with him. He made me less anxious.

I boarded the jet. All of the people I had previously run away from were surrounding me. I turned away from their eyes, facing the front window.

An hand grabbed me from behind and without thinking, I grabbed the person's forearm and pulled it towards my body. My other hand held their neck against the wall of the jet. It was a move I had done a thousand times. Forever engraved into my mind.

Upon realizing it was only the Scarlett Witch, I released my grip on her. "Sorry-I just, I'm really sorry." I truly was sympathetic. It was an accident. A reflex.

She gripped the spot on her neck that I had held. "It's ok." She told me. "My name's Wanda by the way." I nodded. She went around and introduced everyone. They all seemed to pretend they hadn't seen me try to choke their teammate.

Eventually, when we were done with introductions, she turned to me. "So, do you have trouble remembering your childhood?" She questioned. I nodded. "Yeah, they injected me with some kind of drug that dulls my memory on pretty much everything." This didn't seem to be new information to anyone.

Soon, they were all gathered around me. "Listen, I think I might be able to help pull your memories out of where they're locked away. Could you let me try?" She asked in a smooth, cool tone.

I nodded and only barely flinched when she placed her hand on my arm. I closed my eyes and let her do her thing.

And suddenly, all the pieces of the puzzle that I didn't even know I was building, clicked into place.

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