Chapter 18

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Peter's POV
There was something about Teylie. She was different. Not a bad a different though, a good different. I love everything about her. Love. Is that the right word? I don't know, but she just feels... right.

Teylie's POV
I was walking to my dad's hospital room, crutches in all. It had taken a lot of convincing for anyone to let me go on my own.

I halted in front of one of the many doors in the hallway. It slide open as I put my hand against the scanner. Upon going inside, I noticed a male nurse checking some things on his monitor. He looked up at me when he heard me come in.

"Hi. You must be Teylie." The nurse smiled and shook my hand. "I'm sorry to tell you that your father's in a coma." He said. I looked over to the bed, seeing he was correct.

I sighed as the nurse walked out of the room. I crutched my way over to sit down on a chair beside him. "Hope you feel better than you look, Dad." I whispered with a smile.

I little while later, I left the room and walked to the kitchen to get something to eat. I found a note on the island that was addressed to me. I flipped it open and read.

I made lunch. Go to the roof.
- Pete

I rolled my eyes. He's so extra. Nevertheless, I managed to find myself on the roof. I spotted him sitting down on an old blanket, with food surrounding him.

I sat down next to him and grabbed a bag of chips. "Hey." I said while opening the packaging. For a while we sat in silence, admiring the view. He smiled at me. "Can we talk?" He questioned in a low voice.

I nodded and set the chips aside. He took a deep breath. "Look, Teylie. I don't really know how to say this, but... I have feelings for you. I don't really have them figured out yet, but I just had to tell you." He said. It was surprisingly calm and not rushed.

At first I was a bit taken back. I had to think about things. What did this mean? Did I have feelings too? He continued to stare at me, worry filling his eyes. "Peter, I have feelings for you too. But right now my dad needs me. Someday, though, I want to work this out." I said.

He smiled and picked up a soda. "To as long as it takes." He said with a geeky smile. I raised a soda along with him before taking a sip.

I think one more chapter after this one to end it off. Thank you guys for all the support and all the patience. I do have some good news coming tho (maybe about a new book)! love you guys <3

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