
11.6K 180 20

Maybe I didn't have a happy beginning. Or a great middle. But I have hope. Because this isn't the end.

Not even close.


Peter creeped in through the window of Teylie's room. He carefully took off his mask and set it on her bed. She was asleep with her head on her desk, surrounded with papers.

He walked over to her a carefully planted a kiss on the back of her head, causing her to wake up. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. "Homework?" Peter asked. She nodded before falling back asleep on the desk.

Peter carried his girlfriend to her bed, gently laying her down. He cautiously tucked her in and grabbed his mask, leaving her room.

As he was walking to the kitchen, he ran into Tony. "Oh. Hey Mr. Stark!" He whispered. The sleep deprived Tony Stark just walked past him. Peter smiled to himself and got something to eat.

And finally, for once.

Everything was perfect.

At with that, this book has officially concluded! I truly appreciate everything you all have done for me! We are currently at about 3k reads which is absolutely crazy to me. Though I am sad this story is over, I have an idea for a new book and would love some input.

The idea was that a high school student had a mom that worked for Hydra. Her mom loved her and her sister a lot, though. Basically, one day Hydra is under attack by Shield and the teenager has to get her little sister and run.

Idk. Please give me some input or requests.

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