Decision Decisions

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Connor's POV

It was the biggest dicision that I have made in my whole life... I couldn't belive I was even thinking about this. I've been thinking about this for six months.... I was thinking about leaving O2l. Of corse I could'nt make this decision on my own, so I asked some people that I trusted.

"Hello?? I need to ask you some thisng." I said knocking at Kate's door.

"Hold on Connor I need a minute..." She replys back

I waited for a minute and then Kate opened the door. "Hi," she said.

"Hi.... I said, nervous.

"What's wrong?? You know you can tell me anything. Here lets go get some coffee, I know that cheers you up." she said smiling.

"Thanks... " I said.

I offered to drive but, she declined the offer. She was independent, I liked that. The car ride was pretty normal, I was on Twitter, and Kate was driving while listening to the radio. We have arrived at starbucks, our favorite place for coffee. We both got ourselves an Ice coffee, to share, and we went outside to sit.

"So what's up Connor?" she said.

"Here's the thing, I've been thinking about this for 6 months... I used to make youtube videos for fun, you know... but know it's become more of a chore. I wanted to, you know, quit, but then the tour came up and all that stuff... I just don't know, should I quit, if i quit, will my fans hate me?" I said to Kate.

"Well I think that you shouldn't care about your fans' happiness. Like I know this will sound selfish, but, sometimes you need to make yourself happy before you make other people happy..." She replied.

"Thanks for listening, your the first person I told, and I was really nervous." I said and i held her hand.

She smiled and said, "No problem, thanks for wanting to listen to my opinoin... usually people don't want to listen to my opinions."

"Well anytime you need to tell or ask me anything, go ahead I'm here for you." I said. there was an awkward scilence where all we did was look into eachothers' eyes. The scilence was broken when we both heard a car pull up. We turned around to see Andrea and Kian. Kate and I said, "Hi guys wanna join??"

Andrea said, " sure we are acutually going to get coffee and then going to a bonfire with the boys... we all texted Kate to see if you guys wanted to come, but you never replied to one of us..."

"sorry Andrea, my phone was on silent." Kate said.

"So... we going to a party or what??" Kian said coming out of Starbucks with Andrea's and his drink.

"I guess so..." I said.

We all went to the party and then went for a moonlit walk on the beach.

A/N: comment your suggestions about the book!!

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