Airport Conversations

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Connor's POV

Andrea, Kate, Kian, and I were the first to leave the house for a week... We were some packing and Ricky drove us all to the airport so we could fly to Minnesota.

He dropped the 4 of us off at the airport and said, "bye!! See you all after a week!!" And we all said, "bye!" Gave him a hug or handshake and went into the airport. We checked in and we were 2 hours early so Kian and I went to go grab a bite while Andrea and Kate went shopping for a while.

*half hour later*

"Dude!! What are you talking about!" Kian yelled at me.

"I already told you like 20 times... She's WAYYYY out of my league!!" I told him.

"C'mon you guys are PERFECT for each other!!"


"More like YEA!! C'mon you know everyone left you and Kate alone that week for a reason!"

"Please stop bringing that up... I know... I still can't believe you guys did that though"

"Just please!!! You can sit with her on the flight! You guys can talk and get know each other better..."

"Fine... Just please don't let Kate find out that we planned this..." I said to Kian while we started to stand up and look for something else to do while we wait for the flight.

Kate's POV

"Oh my god!! Look at this shirt!! It's so cute!!" I said when I saw the adorable blue crop top.

"You know what else is cute and adorable??" Andrea said and smirked.

"What??... These shoes???" I said right when I saw a pair of cute pair of high heels.

"No!!" She said while she grabbed me.


"C'mon you know what I'm talking about!"

"Not really..." I said confused.

"Connor!!! I know you like him!"

"Yea that because I told you that. Now shhh... People are going to hear us." I said while paying for the shirt and shoes.

"Let's go find a place to sit, WE HAVE TO TALK ABOUT THIS!!"

We sat down and I said, "c'mon you know I like him but you don't even knowing he likes me..."

"It's pretty obvious that he does... Have you see the way he looks at you??"

"Yea, like any other person..."

"No.... I mean seriously... You guys always have those awkward eye staring thingy...."

"Shut-up! Don't talk about that."

"C'mon you know that though---- oh hey Kian and Connor!!"

"Hi guys!" Kian said while he hugged Andrea.

"Hi Connor." I said

"Hi..." He said.

We all walked to the gate. And went onto the plane. I sat on the window seat with Connor next to me. Across the aisle was Andrea on the window seat and Kian on the aisle seat.

A/N: what do you think of this fanfic so far??

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