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Connor's POV

After I gave everyone the tour. We went to have some dinner at Smoky Bones. And boy, was I nervous. I sat next to my Kian, and Kate. My parents and everyone caught up. When we were done I got a phone call from Ricky. I went outside and answered it. "Hey Ricky, hows your week so far??" I said.

"Its good, how's your week long date with Kate?"

"Come on seriously??"

"Kian told me that you told him that you were gonna ask her out while you were there."

"Ugh Kian I knew I couldn't trust him"

"Well I gotta go, I'm filming a new video for my main channel."

"see ya" I said and ended the call. I didn't feel like going back inside so I stayed outside thinking.I got a text, I looked down at my phone. It read "Kate: Hey... you okay out there?" I texted her, "yea, be right in" and walked back inside.


Kate's POV

We were done with dinner and we are all in Connor's house now. Everyone was in the living room. We talked and talked. I then stood up and said, "Sorry can I have a glass of water please?"

"sure, Connor would you like to show her where we keep the water?" His mom asked.

"sure." Connor said.

"Thanks Mrs. Franta" I said while Connor led me to the kitchen. "Thanks for being so nice with my parents and siblings." Connor said while getting me a bottle of water.

"No problem, they are so nice."





And we stood there in awkwardness... "You maybe, you know, wanna... like.... go out tomorrow night?" he said.

"Yes!!" I said.

"That's good, I know this great place to eat."

"Can't wait." i said, and smiled. We didn't say anything else, we just stared at eachother's eyes and smiled. After a minute or two, Kian walked in, "Hey Conn- Oh hey Kate you looking fine girl!"

"ummmm... thanks...." I said in awkwardness.

"Its okay Kian, I just asked her..." Connor said.

"aww that's too bad now I can't have her." Kian said with a poutty face.

"Well I gotta go sleep," I said and left. I walked into the room and saw Andrea on her laptop. "OH MY GOD!!!" I yelled. "Did it happen?" she asked

"Wait how do you know?"

"Everyone knew.... It's pretty obvious that he likes you, even his parents noticed it."



I sat down next to Andrea with my laptop. We were both editing our new videos. Kian and Connor walked in and saw us, 'Heyyyy Andrea, wanna go see that movie now?"Kian asked.

"Sure, let's go." Andrea said grabbing her sweater and walked out the door. Connor walked in and closed the door behind him. He sat next to me, "hey..." I said.

"is something wrong?"

"I dont really know."

"What happend?"

"Nothing, Its nothing. Just a bad headache."

"you sure your okay.... babe?"

I looked at him, " nevermind, pretend that I didnt call you that." he siad when he stood up. I held his hand and said, "Its ok, I like it when you call me that." He sat back down and I put my head on his shoulder, "Wanna watch a movie? We can see what to watch on Netflix." he asked me.

"sure." i said. We used my iMac to go on Netflix, and watched a movie.

A/N: Is this a friendship?? Or more?? What do you think?? Comment it!!☺️

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