Why'd you do that Cole??

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Kate's POV

It was the day before moving day. And Trevor and I were showing Shannon and Cole around town. We were showing them the Hollywood sign. I parked thecar and Trevor ans Shannon ran up the hill together, like two little lovebirds. I locked the door, and walked up with Cole. Halfway up, he stopped us. "Kate I have to tell you something." he said.

"ya, whats up?" I said.

"I like you... I like you a lot..." He said

"Ummm.. Im kinda already taken... sorry. But we can still be friends" I said and started walking up t o where Shannon was. I took about two steps and Cole grabed my hand, and spun me around. "Kate... I know you like me, we've been friends for a long time... It's okay, you don't have to fake something just to get to know me."

"Cole... seriously... Im dating Connor."

"I know your not.... Connor wouldnt date somone who's hated by his fans."

"What??" I said confused.

"His fans HATE you."

"Just stop! I'm dating Connor wether you like it or not." I said, holding my tears back.

"He's just being nice, he told me yesterday."

"What?" I was crying now.


"He wouldn't do that.."

"Yeah he would. and he did." Cole said. I couldnt take it anymore. I ran up the hill to where Trevor and Shannon were. They saw me crying.... And Trevor called Connor...

A/N: DRAMA!!!!!!!!! Sorry for the short chapter.... I'll make sure to update soon!!

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