Wait... WHAT??

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Connor's POV

I woke up sitting in a hospital waiting room chair... I looked up and I saw a complete room... Empty... I stood up and walked over to the desk... "Where is Kate?? Where is my girlfriend???? WHERE IS KATE VALENTINE????" At this point I was screaming.

The nurse told me to calms down.. "I CANT CALM DOWN UNTIL YOU TELL ME WHERE KATE IS!!" The nurse was about to call for security until Kian walked in and said, "it's ok.. He's with me." The nurse said, "okay..." And let us go.

"Wow... That was. Breakdown. What happened..." Kain said.

"I just woke up and thought of Kate and freaked out. I guess." I said.

Kian then said, " the whole hospital is empty except for me, you, Andrea, Kate, and a couple of nurses, doctors and security guards."

"Where's KATE????" I screamed.

"She's still not taking visitors..."


"Shhh... Don't wake her... They r doing the surgery just down there."

"Okay.... Where's Andrea then??"

Kian led me to the room where Andrea and Nicola was.... It was only then when I noticed that there was a wound on my forehead... As well as Kian's..... But at this point I didn't care... I sat down next to Kian and I went on twitter to see if anyone tweeted about the accident.... Nothing... I went online to YouTube to see the recent vlog I posted when we were on the flight... And there I saw.... All the comments.... That led to this....

Why are you with that dirty slut??

•who's that bitch next to you?

•that "Kate" is such a dirty bitch... Please don't hang out with her anymore.

you need to get rid of that skank bitch

•Connor... If u don't get rid of her... WE WILL!!

I was so shocked...how did I NOT notice this?? I showed Kian the comments and he was as surprised as me... I shut my phone down and sat there... Starting at a blank wall... Which I wished was Kate's eyes...

After about 30min... A doctor walked in....


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