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Kate's POV

I woke up, to Connor waking me up.

"W-what??" I said.

"You were having a nightmare... So I woke you up." He explained.

"Oh god... Thanks so much." I said, giving him a hug.

"Woah... What happened??" He asked.

I told him about my nightmare.

"Babe... That's terrible!" He said.

"I know right??" I said, holding back my tears.

"Babe, don't cry, I'll always be here for you."

He gave me a kiss.

Cam, Nash and Hayes said, "GET A ROOM!"

We both laughed.


"I missed you girl!!!" I said, hugging Andrea.

"Hi!!!!" Andrea said.

I backed up, I saw sam.

He waved.

I signaled him to come over.

"Hi, sam." I said, giving him a hug.

"Oooo what'd I do to deserve this?? Because I should do it more often." Sam said.

I messed his hair up, because I knew he hated that.

"Ugh!" He said.

Andrea and I laughed.

We went in the car, I sat in between Andrea, and Connor.

I told Andrea about my dream.

"What?!?! PUSHED you?? INTO THE ROAD???" She screamed.

I nodded.

"Girl," she said giving me a hug, "you mean to much to me for me to just push you to your death... I would have someone else do it." Andrea continued.

"Oh my god!" I said punching her arm.

We all laughed.

"Here we are, home." I said, and brought my bags to my room.

I unpacked my clothes, cleaned them and started to pack for the tour.

*after packing*

I fell onto the bed. I sighed of relief. Connor walked in, "you done?" He said.

"Yea, you?" I asked.


He sat down next to me.

He sighed.

"Babe what's wrong??" I asked.

"We still don't know the person posting bad things about us is..."

"Oh.... I do.... Nash told me..."

"WHO POSTED THE PICTURES??" Connor screamed.


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