Romantic Walk

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Kate's POV

"Oh my god!!" I said, excited and happy.

Connor laughed. "I knew you were gonna say that."

"Aww, a nice moonlit walk on the beach?"

"Yup. I know that you always wanted one... So I brought you here."

"Aww, you remembered." I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

We walked onto the beach, and we held hands. We walked along the shore line, that was lit up with the moon light. I wanted to tell him about Sam... But i didn't know what would happen if I did... But it's killing me not to tell him... Connor brought a picnic blanket, and put it on the sand. We sat down. I put my head on his shoulder and we looked at the moon.

"It's such a beautiful moon tonight."

"Yea... Like you." He said. I looked up, he was looking at me. He cupped my face in his hands. He was about to kiss me... But I backed away.

"I'm sorry Connor... I just can't... Not now..." I said.

"I'm sorry... It's my fault..."

"No, Connor... I need to tell you something."


I explained to him what happened before I stepped out into the garden to meet him.

"That punk." Connor said, furious.

"Babe, it's okay... I told him that I couldn't date him..."

"Yea, I know, but that punk! He knew that you we were dating.... But he still hit on you?? And he kissed you?? I'm telling you, I'm gonna k-" he said standing up

"Connor, don't... Please... It's our anniversary." I said, holding his hand.

"I'm sorry.... That's my fault." He said, and sat back down.

"I'm sorry I should've just told you tomorrow... It was a bad idea..."

"No babe, it's fine.... I just freak out over random things." He said and gave me a kiss. We sat there looking at the moon.

*1 hour later*

We were finally home. I went to my room and changed. I walked downstairs and I saw Sam...

A/N: What do you think is going to happen???😱

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