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Connor's POV


"What was that?!?" I said, putting my arms around Kate's waist and pulling her close to me. I looked around the room, next thing I knew.... The power went out. I heard a girlish scream. And Kate held onto me, tightly.

"Okay guys, everyone... Calm down... All we need to do is find a flashlight." Ricky said. Ricky turned his phone "flashlight" on and looked around the room, "everyone okay?"

Everyone nodded and said, "yea." Ricky, stepping around people, walked to the bin of flashlights. He tried to turn it on. "What's wrong??" Jc asked.

"It's out of battery..." Ricky said

"Ugh... Hurry up."

"Hold on, Hold on." Ricky said. He looked through the whole box... None of them worked.

"How about the box of candles over there??" Kate asked a pointed toward a box. Ricky gave some people a candle, Kate, Andrea, Shannon, JC, and himself. I lit them up with some matches. We all put them on the ground in front of us.

I looked down, Kate was snuggled up next to me. He looked up at me. I smiled and said, "you okay babe??"

"Yea. Thanks for asking. You?"

"I'm ok if your ok." I said. We smiled and did a quiet, gentle laugh. "Yuck... Barf...." JC said.

"C'mon... You would do that with Cassidy" I said and made "kissy noises."

Jc just looked away. And everyone laughed.

Kate's POV

Everyone laughed. And then everything went silent. I looked at the candle in front of me. And then I looked around the room, Andrea and Kian were cuddling, Connor and I were snuggling, JC, Sam, and Ricky were talking to each other. I looked across the room, I saw Shannon and Trevor... I know they both like each other but, they were both acting shy. I waved at Shannon to come over here, and she did.

"What's up with you and Trevor??" I whispered as she sat down next to me, and Connor went to go talk to Trevor.

"I like him, but I don't want to mess it up by saying or doing something wrong."

"Well just be you... He should and will love you for who you are."

"Thanks, but what if he doesn't?"

"Than he's missing out on a lot, because you are awesome!"

"Thanks!" She said as she walked back over next to Trevor, and Connor walked over and sat next to me. "How'd it go?" I asked him.

"Great. How about over here??" He asked me.

"Awesome." I said, and yawned.

"You should get some sleep.... You seem tired." He said.

"Yea... You should too. You looks exhausted." I said as he kissed me on the forehead. I snuggled up next to him. And we both looked at the candle on the floor. "This is kinda romantic actually..." Andrea said.

"Yea." Connor and Kian said.

"Yea... It kinda is... It would be so much better with out the storm... But you know..." I said. And we all laughed. We all went back to a silence. And eventually everyone fell asleep.

A/N: Thanks for all the reads, it truthfully makes me SO happy!!

What do you think is going to happen next?? Comment😋

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