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Connor's POV

We went home and her parents went to sleep... I couldn't blame them, it was 11:00 when we got home. I went to my room, and tried to sleep.

*1 hour later*

I couldn't sleep. I went out of my room, and sat by the fireplace. I saw that Kate was there too.

"Hey..." She said.

"Hi." I said.

"Can't sleep??"

"No, you?"

"No, I'm used to falling asleep in your arms... But it's too cold to sleep with our you babe."

"Same here." I said.

"Want some hot chocolate?? It's not winter yet.. But it's pretty cold..."

"Sure." She went to the kitchen, and I stayed by the fireplace. "Hey snowflake." I said, as snowflake came onto my lap.

She meowed.

I started to let snowflake when I felt a scratch at my leg. It was pageant. "Oh, hey Pageant." I said. And petted her.

Kate came back.

She giggled.

"What??" I asked.

"Nothing... Here's your hot chocolate." She said, putting the cup on the table in front of us.

"What were you laughing at?"

"You and the cats... It's just so cute. And they usually don't like my friends.... So.. You're lucky that they're not scratching your face off." She said

I laughed.

I drank my hot chocolate.

"Wow, you make a great coffee... AND a great hot chocolate??" I said.

She giggled.

"Wow, lucky me for having you as a girlfriend." I said.

She slapped my arm playfully.

"Ouch." I said, jokingly.

We laughed.

It was silent, Pageant hoped on my lap, and Snowflake laid on he floor. And I looked at Kate, every-time I look at her, it's like falling in love with her again, and again.

She looked at me. "What?" She questioned.

"Nothing.." I said, and looked away.

"Okay then." She said, and looked at the fireplace.


Her phone went off. I looked at her. "Who texted??" I asked.

"Nash." She said.


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