Kate?!?!? Andrea?!?!?

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Connor's POV

"Kate?!?!?!?!?!?!" I screamed.

"Andrea?" Kian screamed.

We screamed and screamed. But there was no sign of them. Ricky and I ran outside into the backyard. "Kate where are you?!?" I screamed.

"Right here, HELP US!!" a girl screamed. Ricky and I ran toward the sound of the scream, against the wind. And there I saw, Andrea and Kate squished under the fallen pole. Ricky and I held them up. Andrea was unconscious, so I carried her inside, bridal style.

We were now all inside the emergency room.

Kate's POV

"What are we gonna do??" I screamed, walking into the room. "I don't know babe," Connor said. "UGGHHHH STUPID STORM!!" Kian yelled, pacing back and forth. I looked at Andrea, I sat down next to her. "Get me a warm towel, it's in the bin up there," I said pointing to a box in the back of the room. Kian got the warm towel and gave it to me, I put it on her forehead. "Give me another one! But make this one a little bit more moist." I said. Kian got another one and gave it to me. I dabbed it on her face. "Is she better??" Kian asked me sitting on the other side of Andrea, across of me.

"Truthfully.... I really don't know.....I hope she gets better though." I said.

I looked at Kian, he looked really worried. "Kian, you okay?" I said.

"Ya, I just hope that she's ok, I'm worried.... What happened out there?"

"We were making sure that everything was where it was supposed to be. And then the wind came, and well, we got squished under the pole. The pole hit my leg, and it hit her head."

"I guess the only thing we could do is wait...." Ricky said, patting Kian on the shoulder.

*15 minutes later*

Andrea just woke up. "Hey..." she said. "How you feeling?" I said


She sat up and talked to Kian.. Next thing we knew... BOOM

"What was that?" Connor said and pulled me close to him. No one said anything. Next thing we knew.... the power went out.

A/N: What do you think about this chapter.... Is it a bad one or a good chapter??

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