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Connor's POV

We stepped out of the plane, and got our luggage.

We stopped before stepping out into where her parents were. "You ready??" she asked me.

"Yup." I said.

We let go of each other's hands and went trough the doors.

"KATE!!!" Her parents screamed running towards us.

Kate hugged her parents, and introduced us.

"Oh, mom, dad... This is one of the O2L boys... Connor." Kate said.

"Hi." I said, giving her dad a handshake.

"Come here! I heard so much about you!" Her mom said.

"C'mon mom, you're embarrassing me...." Kate said.

Her mom backed up, and she said, "hi I'm Kate's mom, and this is her dad."

"Nice to meet you Mrs, and Mr. Valentine." I said.

"Please call me Shannon." She said.

"Call me Mr. V." Her dad said.

"Okay guys... Ready to go home?" Kate said.

Her parents nodded. We went into their car. And Kate and I sat in the back seats.

"Mom I saw Hayes, Nash and Cam on the plane." Kate said.

"Oh, that's nice Hun. Did you tell them that I'm a huge fan?" She said.

"Mom, no.. But they're actually seeing a friend near boston!"

They both squealed. I laughed.

"And Nash invited me and Connor to a pool party!" Kate continued.

"I'm so happy for you." Her mom said.

"Ugh, squealing about boys.. Again?? I thought you stopped that Kate." Her dad said.

"No way" I said.

"Okay, we'll try your best to not do that in front of me." He said.

"Ok dad." She said, and the rest of the car ride was silent except for the radio.

When out of no where, we hear Ordinary by Ricky Dillion. I looked at Kate and she looked at me.

"Mom, turn it up!!! This is my jam!!!!!!" Kate said.

Her mom blasted the radio, and Kate faced in her seat. Her mom and I laughed so hard.

When he song ended, Kate calmed down, her mom put the volume back to normal, and we were at her house.

"Here we go! Home!" Her mom said.

"Here I'll get the luggage, Kate go inside." Her dad said.

"I'll help Mr. Valentine." I said, and helped with the luggage.

"You are just friends with my daughter... Right?" He asked me.

"Ya, just friends." I said.

We put the her luggage into her room. And my luggage into the guest room I'm staying in.

"You sure you don't wanna use my sister's bed?" Kate asked.

"You know it's fine right?" Her mom said.

"It's okay mrs valentine." I said.

"Please, call me Shannon." Her mom said.

"Ok, Shannon." I said and we all laughed.

I put my clothes in the dresser when out of no where I feel to furry objects brush up against my ankle. I looked down it was 2 cats.

"That's Snowflake and Pageant." Kate said. I sat on the floor to pet them. And Kate sat down next to me.

"They're so cute." I said.

"Snowflake likes to adventure, and Pageant likes people's attention." She explained.

"Oh my gosh, they are adorable."

"See I told you... you won't notice I'm here."

"What?" I said jokingly.

I gave him a friendly slap on the arm. We both laughed.

"You two would be a cute couple you know.." I heard a voice say, I turned my head, it was her mom.

We both laughed lightly.

"I'm serious," she said, sitting on the bed.

"Mom, I need to tell you something..." Kate said closing the door...

"What's wrong Hun?" she said.

"I've been keeping a secret from you."

"You're dating Connor?"

"Yea... How'd you know?"

"I watch your videos, you're collabs, and vlogs... The way look at each other... It's pretty obvious..."

"And you're okay with it??"


"How about dad?"

"I'm telling him tonight."

"Ok mom thanks." She said and gave her mom a hug.

Her mom left and Kate stayed in the room.

"So, you didn't even have to tell..." I said.

"Yea, phew... Lucky me." She said.

We both laughed. I sat on the bed next to her, "I love you babe." I said, and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

She smiled.

An we changed and went to dinner, with her parents.

A/N: hope you enjoyed the long chapter😊😊

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