Chapter 1: Lucky Boy; Rich Kid

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I'm very excited about this story, even if it's probably gonna turn out like trash.

Grammar corrections and constructive criticism are always welcome! There's no need to apologize for giving me a hand.

Now, enjoy?

I, Alexander Hamilton, would've never considered myself lucky.

Not when my dad left to never be seen again, and that ogre by the name of Johann Lavien kept coming back to ruin our lives, still bitter with the fact that my mom had left him. Not when my brother and I would get shamed and scorned for mom's unfair reputation. Not when my mother died, and my cousin who never truly saw us as family committed suicide. And then my brother and I got separated and a hurricane destroyed everything I ever thought I knew.

Not then. Luck was nothing but a myth.

And then things took quite a turn.

After the world decided that my life was sufficiently fucked up I landed on Thomas Steven's house. He's a kind man who welcomed me and other three foster children into his home: Maria who's in middle school, Burr who's technically not in foster care anymore but is allowed to stay until he finds a place to live. And Lafayette.

Lafayette is a sweetheart, but he loves me a little too much.

When I first arrived I was a skinny, lanky little thing. Not that I am not anymore, unfortunately my shape remains the same, but it's nothing compared to the starving kid I had once been. The moment Lafayette saw me he decided that I needed protection, which I denied. Even though he's only a few months older than me he adopted the role of being my older brother, and that's how things have remained. He can be annoying and overbearing at times but I love him just the same. How can I not? He's family.

Aside from four foster children, Thomas Stevens has a son of his own: Edward Stevens, Neddy for close friends. He dreams of becoming a doctor and publishing a medicine book. People say we look "weirdly alike" but I honestly don't see it.
With a nice home, loving siblings, and a caring group of friends, I think I can finally say things are looking okay for me. I'm not sure if it will last, so I'll just grasp tightly at every second of it so I can at least have some good memories when it's time to let go of it once again.

Whistling lowly to myself  I close my locker and head to class, there's only one period left: French with Mr. Steuben. I was pretty much fluent in the language so I took this class mostly for fun, Mr. Steuben was an amusing teacher and it was always fun to share a class with Kitty Livingston. She's a curly haired blond, brown-eyed beauty. I used to have a crush on her but it didn't quite work out, and by that I mean that she rejected me. But we remained friends afterwards. Giggling she slapped my back our way to class which hurt more than I let on, probably her way to say "hi" or something, I stopped questioning her a long time ago. The thing about Kitty is, she's smart but that won't stop her from acting on her silliness, and it's honestly kind of endearing.

"Hey, Hammie!" She laughed.

"Hey," I smiled.

She bumped our hips and she started walking next to me. "Did you do the French homework?"

"Duh, it was pretty easy. Which is like a first for Mr. Steuben,"

"Should've known," Kitty said with a roll of her eyes.

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