Chapter 12: On The Edge

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Me @ my readers

Me @ my readers

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It's been seventeen hours since John last answered his phone

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It's been seventeen hours since John last answered his phone. He also didn't show up to our "meetup" behind the school yesterday and I'm struggling to not think of every worst-case scenario possible in this situation. My thoughts range from him suddenly hating me to his unexpected and tragic death and everything in between those two. And so my knee won't stop bouncing like a freaking yoga ball under the lunch table as I try to act normal and pay attention to my dear friends.

"And like," Peggy continues her story as I internally crash and burn. "I love sushi, okay. But I legit gagged when I tasted that shit,"

"I think fish eggs are pretty good," Meade says with a shrug, to which Peggy glances back at him with an utterly disgusted look on her face.

"It's called roe," Angelica points out and Meade waves her off, not really caring.

"Anyway," The freshman resumes. "So I had to run to the bathroom because I was not about puke all over the table, and so I stand up and—"

"And on her way there she ended up puking all over the hot waiter she had been ogling all night!" Eliza blurts out, not being able to help herself, and wheezes.

"Thanks, Eliza." Peggy grumbles with an embarrassed pout. I can tell that's not how she planning on phrasing it. Eliza winks at her between laughs.

"No problem, lil' sis," She says.

"Talking about hot people," Kitty says. "You know John Andre?"

We all nod simultaneously. Everyone knows about Andre, he's the school's pretty boy and damn I wouldn't have minded getting a piece of that a while back.

"So from what I've heard his best friend got into a fight. Real nasty shit, apparently he has a broken wrist and everything,"

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