Chapter 19: There's Rain (But No Umbrella)

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I felt as light as a feather on my way home that evening. I wasn't Alexander anymore, no sir, just a happy, lovesick feather floating it's way to a house. I still couldn't believe what had happened, and every time my brain decided to replay the scene every five seconds my cheeks turned bright red and my smile stretched larger. I mean, John Laurens kissed me, on his own free will. That must mean we have a chance, right? Of being together as boyfriend and boyfriend, he did break his own rule after all. Maybe I would even get to kiss John on a frequent basis. Just the thought of his lips on mine as a daily greeting or farewell turned my insides into fluffy cherry goo.

Before I had to leave, I told him we had to talk about some stuff. Mainly our relationship status, and then other things like the fact that he just casually has a bottle of alcohol hidden on his mother's attic. I'm hoping him drinking isn't a usual occurrence, but whatever happens, we'll get through it together. Because that's what boyfriends do. Gosh, call me cheesy but I can't wait to call that lovely boy mine.

And sure, maybe I'm getting a little ahead of myself, but I believe I have the right to feel a little hopeful in this situation.

When I arrive home everyone is on the Pillow Room (also known as living room) watching what seems like a romantic comedy and I almost laugh at the irony.

"Hey guys," I say as I head toward my bedroom.

"You're not joining us!?" Neddy, the offended movie lover, shouts.

"Later!" I say, not sure if I'm actually intending to go through with that.

With my heart almost leaping out of my throat, I jump into my bed and pull out my cellphone from my pants.

Alexander Hamilton: I had a lot of fun today

Alexander Hamilton: Talk to you tomorrow, right?

Alexander Hamilton: ❤️❤️❤️

I think I might be in love.


Later that evening I decide to come by the Pillow Room where a completely different movie seems to be playing. Everyone seems perfectly comfortable in their spots surrounded by pillows: Maria and Burr on the loveseat, Thomas on the armchair, Neddy on the floor beside it, and Lafayette laying down next to the Television. It's nice, to think I get to have this, too.

"Hey," I say quietly as I sit by Lafayette, and everyone acknowledges my presence by either mumbling hey back or throwing popcorn at my general direction.

"What are we watching?" I whisper to Lafayette.

"ParaNorman by Maria's choice,"


Everyone is quite for the next few minutes, and then: "So, about that Cordelia girl..." Lafayette starts.

"What about her?" I ask, knowing perfectly well where this is going.

"Are you sure there's nothing serious between the two of you?"

Maria gasps from her place in the loveseat. "Alexander has a girlfriend!?"

"No, I don't," I say, though I might hopefully get a boyfriend soon. Then I direct myself to Lafayette again. "It's really just some causal on-and-off thing. Nothing to worry about, honest,"

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