Chapter 3: Unsatisfied

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A/N: Is there such thing as too many italics??

"What's up with all the pointless fights?"

Laurens slams his locker shut and takes a deep, annoyed breath. Maybe it's the fact that I've been low-key stalking him for the past week or so, but whatever. I'm sure enjoys my company even just a tiny bit.
John Laurens has sure proven to be a fairly interesting individual. So far I've learnt he has a sister, takes an art elective, wears a lot of white (and quite expensive looking) clothes for some reason, has a hidden bottle of hair gel inside his locker, and is a TØP fan.

Aside from the borderline stalking, I've also managed to have short conversations with him, and I've seen how strong his ideals are, the secret passion he has. But that's not enough. I haven't learnt anything relevant.

"What do you mean by "pointless fights"?" He says while squinting his hazel eyes at me. It's not exactly a glare, but almost.

"I mean a fight that has no point or purpose, that's kinda the definition of pointless y'know. The dictionary definition would be something that has n—"

"I don't get into pointless fights," John cuts me off. "If I throw a punch, it isn't for no reason,"

"Is it, now?" I taunt him, just because I feel like seeing him get fired up. Laurens has a boiling cauldron of fire within him that he keeps trying to put off, and in those scarce instances I get to see the flames behind his eyes I only conclude that I want to see more. It's a notch too dangerous and I'd say borderline addictive, but it's not my fault John looks so alive when he's angry.

I'm an asshole, sue me.

"Why don't you ever shut up?"

"Hey, if you want me to leave so badly—"

"No, I mean why don't you close your mouth when something bothers you?"

I scoff.

"Because I'm good with words and if someone says something I disagree on I'm gonna let them know," I explain, not exactly sure what's the point he wants to get. But Laurens smiles like I just gave the answer he was hoping for.

"Exactly. You're good with words so you fight with words. I'm good with punching so I fight with my fist. I simply let people know when they're being assholes on a different way," Laurens summarizes as he starts walking toward his classroom. I catch up with him.

"That is an excellent point, John Laurens,"

"I didn't make a point, I just told the truth,"

Trying to formulate an objective opinion of Laurens' character is very hard when he goes around saying shit like that. Witty people are just oh so very attractive. Hence my past massive crush on Kitty. She may act silly but she's also smart and clever, a dangerous combination when mixed with good looks.

Just then I feel my phone vibrate on my pocket, and I don't even need to look at the screen to know it's Lafayette. John glances at me with a knowing look, I guess he caught up after a few days. I try to be subtle about the personal matters of the family but Lafayette makes that task more complicated than it should. I guess trying to find out about Laurens' personal life is pretty hypocritical, considering I don't want him to know about mine.

"Gotta go?"

I sigh. "Yes, but this won't be the last you see of me," I declare, making John raise his brows.

"I wasn't expecting so," He says, and I'm not sure of what to make of such a simple phrase.


Lafayette and the rest of the squad are waiting for me next to the girl's bathroom. I'm not sure what's going on but I only got a few more minutes to get to class and I won't hesitate to leave them in order to maintain my perfect assistance record. I look at them with a questioningly but they only snicker and giggle. I am officially lost.

"What is going on?" I ask. Eliza laughs harder while she points at the entrance.

"Peggy's writing the bee movie script on the bathroom walls with her red lipstick," She manages to say while leaning on Kitty.

Meade, the only person here who's not laughing, sighs exasperatedly. "She's gonna get in so much fucking trouble,"

"Mom friend," Hercules coughs out.

"I won't be your mom friend after I kick your ass for being an idiot,"

"Guys," I interfere. "Why?"

"I think the question you should be asking yourself is," Angelica says. "Why not?"

There are many reasons to why not but I guess the level of importance of those reasons vary between every person here, mine being apparently the highest.

"Still, class is literally about to start and—" Lafayette gasps.

"Hammie is right! You shouldn't miss class, mon cher frère!"

I mean,

You were the one that called me here, Laf.

But sure.

Eliza rolls her eyes as if to say "class is for losers" but kisses my cheek and Lafayette's goodbye anyway, clearly planning on guarding the bathroom door until Peggy is done with her monstrosity. Hercules also stays but Kitty decides to go too. Meade just looks conflicted.

Later, as I sit in class, I think about my previous conversation with Laurens. I know I want to know more but what exactly is that more I want to dig out from under his walls? His goals? Morals? Love life? Freaking hobbies?

Everything, I guess.

Once I start something I can't seem to stop, damnit.

I hope this doesn't sound like Laurens is my new project, though to some level he might be. I wanted to know if he really was how people in this school claimed, but now I just want to know who John Laurens is. Doesn't sound like there's much difference, maybe there isn't and the gap only exists in the world of my head. But the goal changed either way, whenever I like it or no.

A/N: I accidentally came up with the ship Eliza x Kitty as I wrote this—

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